Science, Stories and Society… the Soul of Science Communication
The 15th International PCST (Public Communication of Science and Technology) Conference will be held in Dunedin, New Zealand’s oldest city, on 4–6 April, 2018. PCST 2018 is organised by the PCST Network and hosted by The Centre for Science Communication at the University of Otago.
The PCST Network and the New Zealand conference hosts have pleasure in inviting you to submit proposals for presentations at this major event. The closing date is 12 noon (GMT) on 1 October 2017.
PCST conferences are a forum for discussing a wide range of issues in science communication practice, training and research but proposals for PCST 2018 are especially welcome on the conference’s main theme, Science, Stories and Society. Proposers are asked to address one or more parts of the overall conference theme and one or more of the subthemes as listed here:
Science of science communication
Scientists and communication
Role of science in society
Science communication practitioners interacting with researchers
Evaluation of science communication
The power of narratives
Techniques of science communication
Visual storytelling and communication
Social media and science storytelling
Digital marketing and communication
Participatory science communication
Role of society in science, e.g. citizen science
Policies, science and communication
Science communication theory
Science, art and popular culture
Each proposal should be between 150 and 300 words. Guidance on how to write a good proposal is published on the conference pages. Definitions of the many different formats for presenting at the conference are also published there. These include individual papers on research or practice reflection, show and tell talks, group discussions and grouped papers, workshops, visuals and performances.
The Program Committee particularly encourages proposals for roundtable discussions and grouped papers. The committee reserves the right to re-allocate proposals from one format to another, based on the reviewers’ assessment.
As well as identifying the theme and sub-themes addressed, proposers must nominate a specific area of interest their proposal covers. This will assist the process of arranging contributions into coherent sessions. The areas of interest are:
Applying science communication research to practice
Investigating science communication practices: systematic examination of strategies and impacts
Building a theoretical basis for science communication
Comparing science communication across cultures: exploring the cultural contexts of science communication and comparisons across different cultures
Influencing policies through science communication and political contexts of science communication
Teaching science communication: principles and/or skills relevant to various roles in science communication
Proposals will be reviewed by members of the PCST Scientific Committee. Everyone who submitted a proposal will be sent an email in mid-November 2017 to advise them if their proposal has been accepted or not.
You may submit as many proposals as you like, but in the construction of the program proposers are limited to a maximum of three presentations. You may also be associated with additional contributions to the conference as co-author.
No speakers will be added to the program unless they have registered to attend the conference. You do not have to pay the conference fee when you submit proposals, but your name will not be included in the final program unless you have registered for the conference and paid the fee. Speakers will be given a deadline for registering.
The official language of the conference is English: all proposals and presentations will be in English.
The closing date for submitting a proposal is 12 noon (GMT) on 1 October 2017. Authors will be able to log in and revise their proposals up to that deadline.
Accepted proposals of registered participants will be included in the conference program to be published as a printed document, electronic document and on the conference website. When submitting a proposal you must accept copyright conditions.
After the conference presenters will be invited (but are not required) to upload a full paper (pdf) of their presentation to the PCST Archive of Conference and Symposium Papers, to be publicly available along with the corresponding abstract. For each accepted proposal only one full paper can be uploaded. This rule applies to proposals including several individual contributions such as panel discussions or workshops: in these cases we recommend the convener of the session prepares a summary or joint full paper for the Archive. When submitting full papers, presenters will be asked to agree to copyright conditions.