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Comunicação Estratégica: chamada de artigos para a Revista Media & Jornalismo

Encontra-se aberta até 31 de janeiro de 2018, a chamada de artigos para a Revista “Media & Jornalismo” nº33. Trata-se de um número temático sobre “Comunicação Estratégia”, editado por Ana Margarida Barreto e Estrela Serrano (CIC.Digital FCSH/NOVA).

registo no sistema OJS, e posterior acesso ou autenticação, é obrigatório para a submissão de trabalhos, bem como para o acompanhamento do processo editorial.

Antes de submeter o seu artigo completo, consulte as Instruções para Autores , Condições para Submissão e a Políticas editoriais da revista.

Os artigos serão sujeitos a revisão cega por pares e deverão ser enviados, com observação estrita das regras de submissão em vigor, através da plataforma OJS. Aqui: http://impactum-journals.uc.pt/index.php/mj/index.

A comunicação estratégica adquiriu nos últimos anos um estatuto central na vida das organizações quer na construção da sua identidade quer como instrumento de gestão e de reconhecimento público. A imagem das organizações, potenciada pelo desenvolvimento e expansão das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação e o surgimento dos novos media, veio exigir novas competências de gestão que não se reduzem apenas à troca de informações ou à comunicação promocional.

A comunicação estratégica tem a ver com integração e envolve a articulação política e táctica de todas as mensagens, meios e públicos. Pressupõe um plano coerente assente na identidade corporativa, orientado para a criação de uma imagem que ajude a organização a ir ao encontro dos seus objectivos mais amplos (comerciais, sociais ou políticos) a partir de uma perspectiva holística / integral da comunicação.

A investigação em Comunicação Estratégica procura explicar e prever o comportamento humano como consequência do uso estratégico da comunicação pelas organizações e promover mudanças comportamentais, emocionais e cognitivas, individuais e coletivas e faz apelo a campos como a sociologia, a psicologia, a antropologia.

A comunicação estratégica inclui a comunicação interna e externa, a comunicação de marketing, as relações públicas e a publicidade, em todas as plataformas de comunicação (analógica e digital) bem como comunicação e implementação de políticas públicas e o marketing político e social, de organizações e instituições públicas e privadas.

O número 33 da revista Media&Jornalismo dedicado à Comunicação Estratégia, acolhe contributos que se debrucem, do ponto de vista teórico ou empírico, sobre a seguinte área:

Comunicação Estratégica Institucional e Organizacional

Os tópicos de pesquisa que se enquadram neste título incluem o estudo das formas pelas quais organizações, governos e membros de grupos sociais e políticos criam e divulgam mensagens estratégicas aplicadas ao processo político, à comunicação de ciência, às políticas públicas, e às organizações sem fins lucrativos, com o intuito de persuadir, informar e mudar comportamentos. Designadamente, sobre o contributo da comunicação estratégica nas seguintes temáticas:

  1. Gestão de reputação.
  2. Gestão e comunicação de crises.
  3. Campanhas de comunicação estratégica (estratégias e tácticas).
  4. Propaganda e estratégias argumentativas.


ISSN 2183-5462 (online)
ISSN 1645-5681 (print)

A revista Media & Jornalismo encontra-se em processo de indexação às principais bases de dados científicas internacionais.

By |2017-09-15T16:49:03+00:00Setembro 15th, 2017|Calls|Comentários fechados em Comunicação Estratégica: chamada de artigos para a Revista Media & Jornalismo

CFP: 2nd International Conference in Scandalogy “Cultures of Scandals – Scandals in Culture”

The 2nd International Conference on Scandalogy is calling for paper proposals. The event will take place at the University of Bamberg, Germany, on the 29th and 30th of March 2018. According to the organisers, “a publication of selected articles is planned.”

The conference theme is “Cultures of Scandals – Scandals in Culture”. The organisers invite specifically two kinds of submissions: theoretical works on the concept of “scandal cultures” and case studies from different countries.

Paper abstracts must be submitted by the end of September 2017, and acceptees will be notified by the end of November.

The full call for papers is available on the conference website.

This Call for Papers invites submissions for the 2nd International Conference in Scandalogy: “Cultures of Scandals – Scandals in Culture”. With this overarching theme we attempt to consolidate two perspectives. On the one hand, we invite theoretical papers that help to shed light on the concept of scandal cultures. On the other hand, we are interested in case studies that illustrate the dynamics of scandalization in specific countries or cultures.

How certain actions lead to public outrage is an indicator for the specific scandal culture of a society (Hondrich 2002). For instance, sex scandals can end political careers in the USA. The recent case of Anthony Weiner illustrates this point. Nevertheless, the case of Silvio Berlusconi shows that there is a different “Mediterranean scandal culture”. In Germany power scandals as well as misconduct concerning German history and political culture are characteristic types of scandals (Esser & Hartung 2004). However, it appears that scandal cultures are mutable − although by a long process.

In 2016 we witnessed the rise of Donald Trump to become the 45th President of the United States, which could be seen as a turning point for our concept of scandalization: His racist and misogynist comments and his insults against minorities in general have not weakened him as a political actor. Does this mean we are witnessing a transformation of scandal culture in the USA? If so, what are the reasons for this and what are the consequences for dealing with future scandals and affairs?

Trump’s actions on the campaign trail cannot only be explained by intentional self-scandalization (Haller 2015), as the leaked audio footage of the notorious “Access Hollywood“-tape illustrates. Yet this particular case has shown that the logic of sex scandals in American politics is partly defunct. How can this drastic shift in this particular political scandal culture be explained? Has the moral code of American politics changed?

Arguably, in this context the rise of social media has transformed the economics of media attention. Trump’s tweets garner enormous publicity but do not appear to be explainable as strategic patterns of communication. However, Trump’s deliberate provocations produce more attention than the latest revelation about collusions with Russia. New media appears to affect the way that scandals can be mediated (and diverted) in public discourse by communicators of the journalistic and the political sphere. But has traditional reporting on scandals lost its effectiveness?

These examples show that the research of scandals lacks sufficient theoretical models which help conceptualizing variables of the journalistic, political, and cultural spheres to explain the process of scandalization. The analysis of cultures of scandals invites such theoretical approaches. We would like to see additional contributions that investigate the overlapping, differentiation, and cross-pollination of cultures of scandals. In short, we would like to know: Why does an action become a scandal in a specific country, while it is not being scandalized in another?

A number of studies deal with this question in a particular context and explore scandals in culture: So far, case studies have shed light on scandals and scandalization in Scandinavian countries (Allern & Pollack 2012; Herkman & Matikainen 2016; Ekström & Johansson 2008), in Great Britain (Thompson 2000), in the USA (Entman 2012), in Germany (Hondrich 2002; Esser & Hartung 2004), and in Switzerland (Haller 2015). Our call invites further contributions, also from other countries, that analyze scandals through case studies and on an empirical basis.

We are interested to bring the practitioners’ perspective into the academic field as well: Often, journalists are limited to describing and criticizing scandals instead of reflecting a potential lack of response by the public. One may argue this deficit could be alleviated if academic research and journalism would be more sensitive to characteristics of specific cultures of scandals. Therefore, we also invite submissions that are not limited to the academic field but deal with aspects of scandals and media.

Information on Paper Submission:

Abstracts should not exceed 300 words. Please include an additional short biographical note of no more than 150 words.

As the selection of abstracts will be peer-reviewed anonymously, we ask contributors to include a separate title page containing title, author/s, affiliation/s, and the address, phone, fax, and e-mail of the first author.

All submissions will be evaluated on relevance and originality, clarity of research purpose, grounding of theoretical and methodological approach, focus, and organization.

A publication of selected articles is planned.

Please email abstracts to andre.haller@uni-bamberg.de or hendrik.michael@uni-bamberg.de by September 30th 2017.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by the end of November.

University of Bamberg
Department of Communication Studies
Bamberg, Germany
29-30 March 2018

By |2017-09-13T11:56:50+00:00Setembro 13th, 2017|Actual Conferências e Eventos|Comentários fechados em CFP: 2nd International Conference in Scandalogy “Cultures of Scandals – Scandals in Culture”

CFP: New discourses of populism and nationalism | Deadline: 30-1-2018

The conference “Political Discourse – Multidisciplinary Approaches #2” is calling for paper proposals. The event is themed “New discourses of populism and nationalism” and it will be held on the 21st and 22nd of June 2018 in Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

The event organisers are looking for 20-minute paper presentations on a number of themes. Of the suggested topics, journalism scholars might be interested in “Mediatisation of populism and nationalism” and “Populist, nativist and nationalist narratives”.

Paper abstracts should be submitted by the end of January 2018.

The full call for papers is available, for example, on H-net.org.

By |2017-09-13T11:54:13+00:00Setembro 13th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: New discourses of populism and nationalism | Deadline: 30-1-2018

FOJ2017: Picks from the Future of Journalism 2017 Conference

The the sixth biennial conference “Future of Journalism 2017: Journalism in a Post-Truth Age” will be held on Thursday 14 and Friday 15 September 2017, at Cardiff University, United Kingdom. The event is hosted by the School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (JOMEC). Keynote speakers of the conference include Guy Berger (UNESCO), Linda Steiner (University of Maryland), Silvio Waisbord (George Washington University) and Claire Wardle (First Draft). We picked a few sessions from the vast programme of the conference:

Ammina Kothari and Andrea Hickerson are studying how journalism educators are revising their teaching curriculum to address two changes: automation of storytelling through algorithms and bots and the proliferation of fake news. Thursday, 14:00-15:30.

Karin Boczek, Gerret von Nordheim and Lars Koppers looked at journalists’ use of expert sources during a ten-year period (2006-2015) in the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States. Thursday, 16:00-17:30.

Axel Bruns studies the concept of echo chambers using data tracking interactions between 4 million Twitter accounts in Australia. He investigates whether there is evidence for the existence of echo chambers. Friday, 09:30-11:00.

Neil Thurman and Richard Fletcher research the transitions of newspapers to online-only editions, looking at the 2016 change by the UK newspaper The Independent, and how the transition affected its popularity and audience behvaiour. Friday, 11:30-13:00.

Swati Maheshwari studied media’s self-censorship of one the biggest corruption scandals in India. The author identifies macro-level changes in the political power structure and the neo-liberal architecture of the media as well as the internal dynamics of the journalistic field, interviewing 25 journalists on the case. Friday, 14:00-15:30.

You can find more information on the conference website. Also the full programme is available (pdf file). The official hashtag is #FoJ2017.

Editor’s note: Turo Uskali of Journalism Research News is also attending the conference, presenting a paper.

Picture: The main building of Cardiff University by Stan Zurek, public domain

By |2017-09-13T11:51:28+00:00Setembro 13th, 2017|Actual Conferências e Eventos|Comentários fechados em FOJ2017: Picks from the Future of Journalism 2017 Conference

Novo artigo de Sílvia Torres

“A Guerra Colonial na imprensa portuguesa da Guiné. A cobertura jornalística do conflito feita pelos jornais O Arauto, Notícias da Guiné e Voz da Guiné, entre 1961 e 1974”, de Sílvia Torres. Publicado na revista Prisma.Com -Revista de Ciências e Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, n.33 (2017), revista do CIC.Digital Porto (Centro de Investigação em Comunicação, Informação e Cultura Digital).

Mais info:


By |2017-09-12T14:43:37+00:00Setembro 12th, 2017|Notícias|Comentários fechados em Novo artigo de Sílvia Torres

Colóquio Narrativa, Média e Cognição – 4 Out 2017

Se a narrativa e a sua construção tem sido um tema que a última década dotou de particular visibilidade, o modo como essa construção se interliga com os media e a tecno-mediação, gerando uma cada vez maior hibridização de géneros e formatos, bem como inegáveis implicações cognitivas tanto na perspectiva da criação como da recepção, são motivos mais que suficientes para justificar a continuada pertinência deste colóquio. Este é o 4º encontro – depois de se ter iniciado na Universidade do Minho em 2014, passado pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa em 2015 e pela Universidade do Porto em 2016, este ano cabe à Universidade da Beira Interior a oportunidade de promover uma reflexão e discussão conjuntas em torno deste tema tão claramente multifacetado.

Entre os seus objectivos, estará também realçar a relação fenomenológica, perceptiva e emocional que, na contemporaneidade, tão claramente detectamos na estrutura narrativa dos conteúdos, respectiva formatação e transmissão mediática e mediada. Esta análise e questionamento tornam-se prementes num universo cuja progressiva predisposição para a introdução de mecanismos de gamificação, misturando e nivelando facto e ficção, não só modela a recepção, como promove uma potencial consciência distópica por parte de públicos e audiências em relação aos conteúdos veiculados, em detrimento da credibilidade e legitimidade que, no passado, foi condição desses formatos narrativos e dos meios a que estavam e estão associados.

Nesse sentido, a Organização convida à submissão de propostas de comunicação originais cujo enquadramento temático possa partir de perspectivas tão diversas como:
• Narrativa e Comunicação;
• Narrativa no cinema, videojogos, arte interativa, intermedia e transmedia;
• Estudos de narratologia (poéticas, correntes, estilos, géneros, modelos narratológicos);
• Elementos e mecanismos narratológicos (premissa, conflito, ações, personagens, relações entre personagens, tempo, espaço…);
• Novas poéticas e estruturas narrativas (modelos não-lineares e multilineares, hibridismo);
• Papel da narrativa na cognição e na organização do conhecimento;
• Narrativas históricas, sociais e políticas (análise dos mitos, métodos historiográficos, discursos da identidade coletiva e da alteridade, utopias e distopias sociais, etc.);
• Lugar da narrativa na estética e teoria da arte;
• Espaços diegéticos;
• Ontologia da narrativa;
• Papel do criador e do espectador/recetor/utilizador;
• Narrativa e emoção;
• Desenvolvimento da narrativa (criatividade e aplicação de modelos narratológicos);
• Outras que contribuam de forma clara e argumentada para a relevância e contexto do debate pretendido.

Submissão de Propostas / Envio do Artigo Completo:
A submissão das propostas deve ser feita através do e-mail call.narrativamediacognicao@labcom.ubi.pt, indicando Título da Proposta, Temática Geral (a partir da lista indicada acima), Nome(s) do(s) Autor(es), Categoria Profissional, Filiação Institucional e e-mail(s) de contacto, anexando o ficheiro em versão .docx, .doc, .rtf ou .odt.

O resumo (abstract) da apresentação deve ser submetido até 31 de Agosto 10 de Setembro e ter um limite de 2000 caracteres. As apresentações deverão ser preparadas para 15 minutos, sugerindo-se os formatos PowerPoint, o OpenOffice ou Prezi mas não sendo obrigatório. As propostas aceites para comunicação virão a ser publicadas em livro de Actas, com ISBN e ISSN, não sendo obrigatório o envio do artigo completo nos casos em que o(s) autor(es) não o deseje(m).

Os participantes que desejarem enviar artigo completo devem fazê-lo até à data de 30 de Novembro, para o mesmo e-mail call.narrativamediacognicao@labcom.ubi.pt, devendo o texto ter até 30000 caracteres (resumo e bibliografia não incluídos), e ser enviado também em formato .doc, .docx, .rtf ou .odt (não serão aceites textos enviados em .pdf).

Caso contenha imagens, as mesmas devem ser enviadas separadamente em .jpeg, gravadas com indicação do apelido do autor principal e numericamente de acordo com a ordem do seu aparecimento no texto (ex: Costa_001.jpeg). O texto deve conter indicação dessa referência, no local pretendido para inserção de cada imagem, acompanhada da respectiva legenda.

Datas Importantes
Submissão de Propostas de Comunicação: até 31 de agosto 10 de Setembro
Notificação de aceitação: até 20 de setembro
Data limite para envio do artigo completo: 30 de Novembro

Comissão organizadora:
Francisco Merino (UBI – LabCom.IFP)
Luís Frias (UBI – CIC.Digital)
Nelson Zagalo (UM – CECS)

Comissão científica:
André Barata (UBI – LabCom.IFP)
Bruno Mendes da Silva (UALG – CIAC)
Catarina G. Moura (UBI – LabCom.IFP)
Carlos Caires (UCP – CITAR)
Daniel Ribas (IPB / CITAR – UCP)
Fátima Chinita (IPL / ESTC)
Fernanda Bonacho (ESCS / IPL- ICML / UNL / FCSH – CIC.Digital)
Filipe Luz (ULHT)
Filipe Martins (UP / ESMAE – Instituto de Filosofia)
Francisco Merino (UBI – LabCom.IFP)
Guilhermina Castro (CITAR – UCP)
Herlander Elias (UBI – LabCom.IFP)
Jorge Leandro Rosa (UP – Instituto de Filosofia)
Jorge Louraço (ESMAE)
Jorge Palinhos (UM – CECS / ESAP – CEAA / UCP – CITAR)
José Bidarra, (UAb / CIAC)
Né Barros (UP – Instituto de Filosofia / balleteatro / ESAP)
Nelson Zagalo (UM – CECS)
Patrícia Gouveia (UL – FBA)
Paulo Nuno Vicente (UNL / FCSH – iNOVA MediaLab)
Valentina Nisi (UM – M-ITI)

Colóquio Narrativa, Média e Cognição
4 Out 2017
Auditório da Biblioteca
Universidade da Beira Interior
Covilhã Portugal


Submissão de Propostas / Envio do Artigo Completo:

By |2017-09-11T09:46:56+00:00Setembro 11th, 2017|Actual Conferências e Eventos|Comentários fechados em Colóquio Narrativa, Média e Cognição – 4 Out 2017

CFP: Revista O Mosaico | Prazo: 01 de outubro de 2017

A Revista O Mosaico está com chamada aberta para uma edição dedicada aos estudos do Cinema e do Audiovisual. O título do dossiê é Polifonias nos Estudos do Cinema e do Audiovisual e a organização é de Agnes Vilseki e de Juslaine Abreu Nogueira, em nome do Grupo de Pesquisa CineCriare: Cinema Criação e Reflexão. O objetivo é dar visibilidade e acesso a pesquisas de estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação no campo do Cinema e do Audiovisual.

Para quem deseja submeter trabalho, as orientações e maiores informações estão disponíveis em: http://periodicos.unespar.edu.br/index.php/mosaico/index

O prazo final é dia 01 de outubro de 2017.

By |2017-09-11T09:42:41+00:00Setembro 11th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: Revista O Mosaico | Prazo: 01 de outubro de 2017

Videogames2017 – Call For papers

Junte-se a nós nos dias 23 e 24 de Novembro para a Conferência de Ciência e Artes dos videojogos. Este evento pretende aliar as contribuições da academia e da indústria, para estabelecer um campo comum no estudo dos jogos. A conferência será organizada pela Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias e pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciência dos Videojogos (SPCV). O seu principal objetivo está relacionado com a promoção da cultura científica, da investigação e da indústria dos videojogos em Portugal, enfatizando diferentes áreas:

Arte, Estética e Design de Jogos Digitais Ludologia
Desenvolvimento de Jogos
Aprendizagem baseada em jogos
Imersão e presença nos videojogos

A Conferência de Ciência e Artes dos Videojogos terá lugar na Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias – Lisboa, e contará com alguns dos mais proeminentes trabalhos de investigação na área, bem como alguns dos mais relevantes keynote speakers.


Submissão de artigos: 15 de Outubro de 2017
Notificação de aceitação: 5 de Novembro de 2017

Mais informação aqui: http://vj2017.ulusofona.pt/


Join us on November 23-24, 2017, for the Conference of Science and Arts of Video Games. This event aims to bring the contributions of the academy and industry together, to establish a common ground in game studies. The conference is organized by the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias and the Portuguese Society for Videogames Sciences (SPCV). The main objective of this conference is to promote the scientific culture, research and the video game industry in Portugal, emphasizing several different subjects:

Art, Aesthetics and Design of Digital Games
Game Studies
Game Development
Game-based Learning
Immersion and Presence in Videogames

The Conference of Science and Arts of Video Games will be held at the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias – Lisbon, and will feature the most prominent research works in the field, with some of the most relevant keynote speakers. We hope you can join us!


Proposals submission: October 15, 2017
Notification of acceptance: November 5, 2017

More information here: http://vj2017.ulusofona.pt/en/

By |2017-09-11T10:53:10+00:00Setembro 11th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em Videogames2017 – Call For papers

CFP: From Text to Screen and Back to Text. Film and Literature, the Portuguese Context | Deadline 15th September

The theme of literary adaptation to the screen has always been a great academic catalyst, appealing to various disciplines, from film, to literary, to post-colonial, to translation, and to media and communication studies. Indeed, this broad spectrum of interest has made for very productive and multidisciplinary research.

Letters from War, by film director Ivo Ferreira, a recent adaptation from the homonymous novel by writer António Lobo Antunes, has highlighted how film adaptations of literary works can lead to different theoretical readings. For this discussion, it is important to bring to the forefront two distinct schools of thought: on the one hand, such key authors as André Bazin and Joy Boyoum, who advocate a screen adaptation that is “true” to the work it is inspired by; and, on the other, theoreticians and film critics such as Neil SinyardPatrick CattrysseHenry BaconJeanne-Marie Clerc and Monique Carcaud-Macaire, who defend the film work as a new object in its own right.

In this context, it is relevant to mention the nuances and variations in artistic meaning created by the film adaptation of international literature. Such as in the work of Portuguese filmmaker João Botelho, who has adapted both Charles Dickens’ Hard Times and Fernando Pessoa’s Book of Disquiet. Or Michel Van der Aa, who has also adapted Fernando Pessoa’s Book of Disquiet. Or the adaptation of José Saramago’s oeuvre by several international filmmakers. Can we read the impact of nationality in film adaptation.

In this dialogue around film and literature, it is also crucial to investigate the indents film has been making on Portuguese literature. Can we trace how and to what extent the cinema has influenced Portuguese literary works? And can we speak of a film-centric Portuguese literary period or school?

This conference will focus on the challenges, possibilities and multidisciplinary aspects arising from and related to the field of interaction between literature and film in a Portuguese context. We welcome proposals for papers and presentations that explore the following themes from a broad range of viewpoints and approaches, by researchers and practitioners, as well as by practice-based researchers.

Submissions may focus on, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • The relationship between the book, time and film.
  • Film influences in Portuguese literature.
  • The imagined audience. The reasons for literary adaptation.
  • How do book adaptations engage cinema goers and on what levels?
  • Literary adaptation to film and the ideology of the moment
  • From ‘text’ to film: the aura of the writer
  • Portuguese literature’s influence in and translation to the visual arts

Scholars and researchers from all related academic and practice-based fields and are invited to submit proposals.
The conference will be held in English.
Submission deadline: Friday 15 September 2017.
Participants will be notified by Friday 29 September 2017

Scholars and researchers wishing to submit a proposal for a paper presentation of 20 minutes (max.) are required to provide their name, email address, the title of the paper, an abstract (300-350 words), 5 key bibliographical references, 5 keywords and a short biography (100-150 words) to the following email: portuguese.film.literature@gmail.com


Centre for Portuguese Language and Culture (King´s College, London) and Utopia – UK Portuguese Film Festival

Conference Committee

Ana Bela Morais (Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa)
Ana Medeiros (King’s College, University of London)
Catherine Boyle (King’s College, University of London)
Catarina Fouto (King’s College, University of London)
Érica Faleiro Rodrigues (Birkbeck College, University of London)
Filipa Rosário (Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa)
Helder Macedo (Emeritus Professor at King’s College, University of London)
João Paulo Silvestre  (King’s College, University of London)

Project supported by: Instituto Camões, Portugal

By |2017-09-11T09:37:18+00:00Setembro 11th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: From Text to Screen and Back to Text. Film and Literature, the Portuguese Context | Deadline 15th September

[Ideans] iConference 2018 | Deadline: Sept. 18, 2017

The iConference 2018 submission deadline is approaching fast, with all submissions due Sept. 18, 2017. Authors can now submit papers, posters, proposals, and doctoral colloquium applications to our secure submission website. Accepted papers to be published in Springer’s LNCS.

iConference 2018 will take place March 25-28, 2018, in Sheffield, UK. This is our thirteenth annual gathering of scholars, researchers and professionals who share an interest in the critical information issues of contemporary society. The 2018 theme is “Transforming Digital Worlds,” and the aim is to bring together thinkers and leaders from academia, industry and not-for-profit organizations, to discuss emerging challenges and potential solutions for information and data management in our rapidly changing world.

iConference 2018 is jointly organized by two of the UK’s iSchools: The University of Sheffield’s Information School and the iSchool at Northumbria. iConference 2018 will be hosted in Sheffield, a city of stunning landscapes – the greenest in Europe, creative, welcoming and rich in culture and history, but with a modern outlook and lots to see and do.

As always, the iConference will include peer-reviewed papers and posters, as well as workshops and sessions for interaction and engagement, interspersed with multiple opportunities for networking. As well as tracks related to the conference theme, we shall be continuing with the iSchool Best Practices and iSchools and Industry Partnership tracks that were introduced last year. Early career and next generation researchers can engage in the Doctoral Student Colloquium and the Early Career Colloquium.

For the first time, in 2018 the conference proceedings will be published in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science series and will therefore be indexed by major services such as Web of Science and Scopus. The papers will be published as Green Open Access allowing them to be deposited in institutional repositories as well as in the open access Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS).

The iConference is presented by the iSchools organization, a worldwide consortium of information schools dedicated to advancing the information field, and preparing students to meet the information challenges of the 21st Century. Affiliation with the iSchools is not a prerequisite of participation; we encourage all information scholars and practitioners to take part in the conference.

March 25-28, 2018, Sheffield, UK

Conference website: http://ischools.org/the-iconference/

Submission website: https://www.conftool.com/iconference2018/index.php

Submission due Monday, Sept. 18, 2017


* Conference Home: http://ischools.org/the-iconference/

* Submissions: https://www.conftool.com/iconference2018/index.php

* Past Proceedings: http://ischools.org/the-iconference/about-the-iconference/

* Facebook: iConference: https://www.facebook.com/IConference/

* Twitter: @iConf | #iconf18


All submissions must be in English using the templates and/or formats described on our website. All work should be original and not previously published. Complete guidelines can be found on our website’s track pages: http://ischools.org/the-iconference/program/  With the sole exception of the Doctoral Dissertation Award, all submissions are due by September 18, 2017. Notification of acceptances will be mid-November 2017 (excepting the Workshops and the Dissertation Award – dates for these are below).


We invite papers falling into two categories: completed research or early work/preliminary results. Each paper will be refereed in a double-blind process and accepted papers will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science and in the IDEALS proceedings. The author(s) of the completed research paper judged the best of the iConference will receive the Lee Dirks Award for Best Paper and $5,000, provided by Microsoft.


Papers Chairs: Kendra Albright, Kent State University; Noa Aharony, Bar-Ilan University; Mei Mei Wu, National Taiwan Normal University


We welcome submission of posters presenting new work, preliminary results and designs, or educational projects. Posters will undergo a double-blind review, and accepted abstracts will be published in the IDEALS proceedings.


Posters Chairs: Hideo Joho, University of Tsukuba; Frank Hopfgartner, University of Glasgow


Workshops can be half- or full-day, and are intended to foster interactive discussions focusing on the topics within the iConference 2018 theme, namely, the relationships among information, people and technology. Workshops provide a great opportunity for attendees who share common interests and want to have intensive discussions.


Notifications: October 20, 2017.

Workshops Chairs: Andrew Cox, University of Sheffield; Alex Peng, Sun Yat-sen University


These sessions provide an excellent opportunity to present ideas, facilitate discussions, and foster knowledge-sharing in unconventional ways. Formats can include panels, fishbowls, performances, storytelling, roundtable discussions, wildcard sessions, demos/exhibitions, installations and more. All should be highly participatory, informal, engaging, and pluralistic.


SIE Chairs: Jenna Hartel, University of Toronto; Theresa Anderson, University of Technology Sydney


The Doctoral Colloquium provides doctoral students the opportunity to present their work to senior faculty and engage with one another in a setting that is relatively informal but that allows for the fullest of intellectual exchanges. Students receive feedback on their dissertation, career paths, and other areas from participating faculty and student peers.


Doctoral Colloquium Chairs: Kevin Crowston, Syracuse University; Elizabeth Shepherd, University College London


Recognizing the outstanding dissertation of the preceding year, this competition is open to all member iSchools. Each school may submit one dissertation for consideration. The winner will receive a cash prize of $2,500, the runner up $1,000; both will be honoured at the iConference.


Submission deadline: October 16, 2017

Notifications: January 15, 2018.

Dissertation Award Chairs: Joseph Tennis, University of Washington; Vivien Petras, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


This half-day event is intended for assistant professors/early career lecturers, post-docs, or others in pre-tenure positions and builds on the tradition of highly successful events at past iConferences. Participants will sign up at registration.


Early Career Colloquium Chair: Kalpana Shankar, University College Dublin; Carsten Oesterlund, Syracuse University


This special session will focus on issues pertaining to curriculum/teaching/student experience, and research and administrative management.


iSchool Best Practices Chairs: Ann-Sofie Axelsson, University of Boras; António Lucas Soares, University of Porto


This special session will explore the establishment of mutually beneficial relationships between information schools and industry, and the opportunities these programs afford.


iSchools and Industry Partnership Chair: Yvon Kermarrec, Telecom Bretagne; Sean T. McGann, University of Washington


iConference 2018 Chairs: Val Gillet, University of Sheffield; Peter Bath, University of Sheffield; Gobinda Chowdhury, Northumbria University.

Program Chairs: Peter Willett, University of Sheffield; Julie Mcleod, Northumbria University.

By |2017-09-06T09:41:28+00:00Setembro 6th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em [Ideans] iConference 2018 | Deadline: Sept. 18, 2017
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