University of Aveiro- 2 research fellowships annoucement

The University of Aveiro (Portugal) opens a call for two Postdoctoral fellowships in the scientific field COMMUNICATION SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES within the framework of the project “CeNTER – Community-led Territorial Innovation”, (CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000002), financed under Programa Operacional Regional do Centro (Centro2020), through FEDER funds, under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement.

We seek to receive applications from researchers holding a PhD in Digital Media, or in Communication Sciences and Technologies, or in Information and Communication in Digital Platforms, or in Multimedia in Education, or in other related field within the areas of Digital Media, Culture and Society.

Applicants should refer to the detailed conditions indicated in:
position 1:
position 2:

The deadline for the submission of applications is April 7th, 2017.

By |2017-03-28T10:43:20+00:00Março 28th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em University of Aveiro- 2 research fellowships annoucement

CFP: X Congresso da Sopcom – 27 a 29 novembro 2017, Viseu | Prazo: 31 maio, 2017

Encontra-se aberto até 31 de maio a chamada de trabalhos para o 10º Congresso da Sopcom, subordinado ao tema “Ciências da Comunicação: Vinte Anos de Investigação em Portugal”.

O 10º Congresso da Sopcom marca os vinte anos da fundação da associação, ocorrida em 29 de novembro de 1997 e pretende ser uma ocasiação para desenvolver em conjunto uma auto e meta-reflexão sobre o que, ao longo destes vinte anos, foi feito em Portugal em matéria de investigação em Ciências da Comunicação.


15 de março: abertura da chamada de trabalhos
31 de maio: fecho da chamada de trabalhos
30 de junho: comunicação dos resultados
15 de setembro: fim do primeiro período de inscrição
15 de outubro: fim do segundo período de inscrição
23 de novembro: fim do terceiro período de inscrição


1. Cibercultura
2. Ciência da Informação
3. Comunicação e Educação
4. Comunicação e Política
5. Comunicação Organizacional e Institucional
6. Cultura Visual
7. Economia e Políticas de Comunicação
8. Estudos Fílmicos
9. Estudos Televisivos
10. Género e Sexualidades
11. História da Comunicação
12. Jornalismo e Sociedade
13. Publicidade
14. Rádio e Meios Sonoros
15. Retórica
16. Semiótica
17. Turismo e Território


Orientações para elaboração das propostas:
O resumo deverá ter um mínimo de 3000 e um máximo de 4500 caracteres, incluindo espaços, e deve incluir:
Palavras-chave (3 a 5)
Síntese do trabalho.

Todas as propostas devem ser enviados em ficheiros PDF, Doc, Docx ou Odt e seguir o formato disponível em:

A submissão deve ser feita eletronicamente, através do sistema de administração do X Congresso da SOPCOM (
É necessário efetuar um registo de utilizador para submeter as propostas na plataforma (ver tutorial).

+ informações em:



By |2017-03-22T16:55:17+00:00Março 21st, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: X Congresso da Sopcom – 27 a 29 novembro 2017, Viseu | Prazo: 31 maio, 2017

CFP: Filosofia da Comunicação – ECREA | Prazo: 1 de maio de 2017

Está aberto até dia 01 de Maio, o call para o Workshop da Secção de Filosofia da Comunicação da ECREA, que decorrerá na Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa entre 13 e 15 de Outubro de 2017

“Communication, Art, Media: Probing Impacts and Intersections“

Mais informação:

By |2017-03-20T19:59:51+00:00Março 20th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: Filosofia da Comunicação – ECREA | Prazo: 1 de maio de 2017

Nova – Concurso de Fotografia 2017

O IX Concurso de Fotografia da NOVA está aberto, até ao dia 5 de Maio, a todos os alunos da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (1º ao 3º ciclo, Erasmus ou de outros programas de mobilidade).

O tema para este concurso é “LUZ E SOMBRA”, com os prémios: 1º Classificado – 500 €; 2º Classificado – 300 €; 3º Classificado – 200 €.

Para mais informações consulte: ou contacte o Gabinete de Cultura, Comunicação e Imagem:

By |2017-03-20T10:55:27+00:00Março 20th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em Nova – Concurso de Fotografia 2017

Cfp: Risk and Crisis Communication in the Digital Age, October 19 – 21, Lisbon | Deadline: April 17, 2017

The 5th International Crisis Communication Conference will take place at *Universidade Católica Portuguesa*, in *Lisbon (*Portugal), on *October 19 – 21*. The conference is organized by *ECREA Crisis Communication Section* and hosted by the Research Centre for Communication and Culture (CECC), from Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP).Professor *W. Timothy Coombs *- Texas A&M University is the first confirmed keynote speaker.

The *5th International Crisis Communication Conference *aims to discuss how crisis communication can be used by business and the public sector in a strategic fashion*. Which theories and case studies can help better plan and implement crisis communication plans?* How do organizations learn from the past, i.e. how do they evaluate previous crisis in order to be better prepared for the future? How did the digital challenge traditional strategies of crisis communication? Which sorts of new risks are brought by digital media and how can one learn from previous online crisis? Are corporate and non-corporate organizations ready to face online crisis communication?

While seeking an answer for these questions, the conference will deepen and extend the exchange of ideas and approaches across disciplines and between /Crisis Communication /theories and researches.

The conference *includes a panel for corporate discussion and cases presentation*, which will contribute to the industry crisis management debate.

The conference will also include Young Scholars activities – YECREA.

Submissions should deal with one of the following sub-themes*: Corporate Crisis Communication; External Crisis Communication; Internal Crisis Communication; Non Corporate Crisis Communication; Public and Nongovernmental Organizations Crisis Communication; Integrated Communication; Crisis Communication Management; New Media Crisis Communication; Strategic Crisis Communication Management; Media/Journalism (crisis reporting).

*Presentation proposals*in English language are to be submitted as meaningful extended abstracts (max. 500 words, references excluded). Abstracts should state the title of the presentation, purpose, theoretical approach, methodology, (expected) findings, implications, relevance, and originality of the study. Include contact information for all authors (name, organization, address, email address and phone). Abstracts must be presented in Word format, in 1.5 line spacing and 12 point Times New Roman font size.

*The Registration Fees**are: 70€ lunch and coffee-breaks included; 95€ Conference dinner included; 35€ non presenting.*

*MORE INFO: ****;  Submissions: <>

By |2017-03-16T16:14:09+00:00Março 16th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em Cfp: Risk and Crisis Communication in the Digital Age, October 19 – 21, Lisbon | Deadline: April 17, 2017

IAMCR Pre-conference call – Populism after Trump, Cartagena, 15th July 2017 | Deadline: April 15^th 2017

The election of Donald Trump as a figure of anti-establishment ideology has posed what Arlie Hochschild, identifies in her study of Tea Party adherents, Strangers in their own Land, the great paradox – how do people who have the least to gain from neoliberal de-regulation of big business and the cutting back of welfare and environmental protection articulate and rationalize their support for the Trump Presidency? As a communicative strategy, Trumpism represents a new form (or at least, a hitherto submerged form) of populism, which challenges, for example, Ernesto Laclau’s theorization of the fundamental link between populism and the empty signifier. Trumpism, by contrast works through an emotionally replete, if conceptually incoherent, representation of a will to power from below.

The focus of this pre-conference symposium will be to map the various features of Trumpism as an ideological strategy that constructs a popular discourse based on feelings rather than rational argument and against the constraints of truth, the exercise of a will to emotional truth.

Contributions are invited for a series of panels that discuss the relationship of Trumpism to the theorization of populism, both within and outside the USA, and the role of the mainstream and social media in sustaining what Baudrillard termed the ecstasy of communication.

Abstracts (300 words) that focus on the following areas, are especially invited, but other contributions will be considered:

Trumpism as a rhetorical strategy
Post-democracy and Post-populism
Celebrity, Reality Television and the Trump persona
Trumpism as an economic boon to media and social media
Trump from the perspective of the “Other” – International responses
Trump and Satire e.g. Little Trump meme, SNL.
Trumpism as Proto-Fascism.
Trump, racism and sexism

Abstracts of 300 words to be received by April 15^th 2017.

Contact: Barry King Popular Culture Working Group.

By |2017-03-16T15:42:19+00:00Março 16th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em IAMCR Pre-conference call – Populism after Trump, Cartagena, 15th July 2017 | Deadline: April 15^th 2017

CFP: International Conference The Future of Education, 7th edition Florence, Italy 8 – 9 June 2017 | Deadline: 20 March 2017

You are invited to submit papers and participate in the Conference which will take place in Florence (Italy) on 8 – 9 June 2017.
Extended deadline for submitting abstracts: 20 March 2017

The conference aims to promote transnational cooperation and share good practice in the field of innovation for Education. The Conference brings together teachers, researchers, practitioners and project managers from all over the world to share findings, expertise and experience about innovative teaching and learning methodologies.

All accepted papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings published by LibreriaUniversitaria with ISBN and ISSN codes. This publication will be sent to be reviewed for inclusion in SCOPUS. Papers will also be included in the sharing platform ACADEMIA.EDU and Google Scholar.

Oral, poster and virtual presentations will be available.

For further information, please:
– visit the conference website:
– contact:

By |2017-03-16T15:54:57+00:00Março 16th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: International Conference The Future of Education, 7th edition Florence, Italy 8 – 9 June 2017 | Deadline: 20 March 2017

CFP: Eikon – Semiotics and Culture | Deadline: July 20, 2017

Eikon ( is peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal on Semiotics and Culture that accepts original research articles written in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French. Open to a broad range of theoretical and methodological approaches, Eikon welcomes original research articles in the field of semiotics, understood as the systematic study of signifiers, meanings, and its effects.

All scholars from diverse backrgounds ranging from communication, to philosophy, literature, linguistics, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and others, are warmly invited to submit manuscripts until July 20.

Eikon only accepts submissions through the submission platform:

Eikon is an Open Acces Online journal with no processing or publication fees, curated by Labcom/Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal.

By |2017-03-16T15:52:15+00:00Março 16th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: Eikon – Semiotics and Culture | Deadline: July 20, 2017

CFP: 3rd Biennial Philosophy of Communication Conference _ Duquesne University – Pittsburgh, PA, June 5–7, 2017 | Deadline: April 15, 2017

The 3rd Biennial Philosophy of Communication Conference will be held June 5–7, 2017, at the Duquesne University Power Center in Pittsburgh, PA. The theme for this year’s conference centers on the Catholic Intellectual Tradition with keynote speakers addressing four content areas: (1) Philosophy of Communication and Narrative Ground, (2) Philosophy of Communication, History, and Institutions, (3) Philosophy of Communication and Community, and (4) Philosophy of Communication, Culture, and Mission.

As always, we also welcome papers outside of these content themes that address philosophy of communication.

The conference features an invited speaker for each area:

-Christopher Lutz: Philosophy of Communication and Narrative Ground

-Fr. Francis Njoku: Philosophy of Communication, Culture, and Mission

-Janie Harden Fritz: Philosophy of Communication, History, and Institutions

-Algis Mickunas: Philosophy of Communication and Community

Papers: We invite abstracts of 200–500 words or completed papers of a maximum of 30 pages, including references. Submissions should be double-spaced. Any citation style is permitted (e.g., MLA, APA, Chicago).

Panel Proposals: Panel proposals may include up to five participants. Please include a title page with a 500-word (maximum) rationale and 200-word abstract for each presentation.

Send all submissions to by April 15, 2017.


Fees for conference registration include two evening receptions with hors d’oeuvres, Tuesday lunch, and Wednesday full breakfast buffet.


Please fill out the registration form here:(

Please find the online payment and registration form here:

QuikPAY(R) Enter Payment Amount – <>
Please enter in the amount you want to pay and click “Continue” button.

For more information and ongoing updates on the conference, please visit our website or contact the conference planners conference directors (Ronald C. Arnett, Janie Harden Fritz, or Craig T. Maier) or graduate student coordinators (Susan Mancino, Father Lazarus Langbiir, and Justin Bonanno) at or 412-396-6446. For more details, please visit

By |2017-03-16T15:58:21+00:00Março 16th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: 3rd Biennial Philosophy of Communication Conference _ Duquesne University – Pittsburgh, PA, June 5–7, 2017 | Deadline: April 15, 2017

CFP – Ways of Seeing Conference – Movie theatre histories, exhibition and audience practices May 11 – 12, 2017, ESPM-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Deadline: March 24, 2017

What’s new about new cinema history? Exploring the past(s) and futures of an utterly ambitious research program
Professor Daniel Biltereyst, Ph.D. *
Ghent University

The first /Ways of Seeing Conference/: movie theatre histories, exhibition and audience practices* will take place at ESPM-Rio (Escola Superior de Propaganda & Marketing), Rio de Janeiro/Brazil, on May 11 and 12, 2017. The Conference aims to consolidate a transdisciplinary theoretical and methodological inquiry and debate new perspectives related to cinema exhibition and studies on audiences’ experiences in Brazil. It will explore local and global historical developments covering audio-visual exhibition, cinemagoers’ memories, modes of cinema consumption, spatial configurations and technologies of different exhibition venues, as well as issues concerning political, economic and sociocultural dynamics connected to cinema-going practices.

The meeting is organized by the *Ways of Seeing Research Group (ESPM/CNPq) in partnership with the Departamento de Cinema e Vídeo & the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos de Cinema e Audiovisual da Universidade Federal Fluminense (PPGCine-UFF). The */Ways of Seeing Conference/ is supported by the *Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Economia Criativa da ESPM-Rio and **Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior **(CAPES).

The coordinator of the /Centre for Cinema and Media Studies/ /Ghent University/ (Belgium), *Dr. Daniel Biltereyst*, will open the conference on May 11, at 10 am, with the Keynote Lecture**/What’s new about new cinema history? Exploring the past(s) and futures of an utterly ambitious research program./

Researchers and graduate students are invited to submit proposals. Undergraduate students are also encouraged to submit proposals in co-authorship with PhD and MA students dealing with the following issues:

●History of movie theatres and its bonds with urban cultures;
●Cinema’s architecture;
●Sound and image projection technologies;
●Consumption of films in cinemas and collective venues;
●Social, cultural and economic profiles of cinema audiences;
●Memory of cinema-going practices;
●Commercial dynamics in the exhibition sector;
●Cultural policies and the exhibition sector;
●New trends of commercial and non-commercial movie exhibitions;
●Practices and types of the moving images exhibition in collective venues.

*Important dates and deadlines:*

●Deadline to submit proposals (extended abstracts): March 24, 2017.
●Notice of acceptance: April 7, 2017.
●Payment for registration fees: April 7-14 2017.
●Final programme release: April 24, 2017.
●Conference panels: May 11 and 12, 2017.
*Participation fees*: *

●PhD scholars presenting papers: R$ 60,00
●Doctoral and MA students presenting papers; Undergraduate students who will present works co-authored with Doctoral or MA students: R$ 40,00
●General public (without presentation): R$ 50,00
** Authors should pay the participation fee upon receiving the acceptance announcement. General information about the payment process will be informed, by mail, on April 7, 2017 to the selected presenters. *

** The general public (participants who will not present works) must register by sending a message with full name and institutional affiliation to *** <>*. Please, inform in the title of the message: /[Attendance registration]./ We will share the entire info about the fee payment on April 17.*

** The /Ways of Seeing Conference/ will provide a certificate to all participants attending the event.*

*Abstract Proposal Guidelines*:*

●Author’s full name;
●Institutional affiliation;
●Short biography (500 characters);
●Title of presentation;
●Keywords (three);
●Short abstract (800 characters);
●Extended abstract (3.000 characters);
●References (1.000 characters).

** Proposals should be sent in PDF format to *** <>*(Deadline: March 24).*

** Proposals can be sent in Portuguese or English. We will provide simultaneous translation into Portuguese, according to the quorum of foreign language attendants.*

**Authors will be invited to submit complete manuscripts related to their works to integrate the /Ways of Seeing Conference annals./ The submission deadline as well as the publication guidelines will be informed during the meeting in May.*//

** Please, visit *** <>* for further information about travelling to Brazil and accommodation in Rio de Janeiro. *

*On behalf of the /Ways of Seeing Conference Committee/:*


Prof. Dr. Rafael de Luna Freire (UFF)
Prof. Dr. Talitha Ferraz (ESPM-Rio)


Prof. Dr. Hadija Chalupe (ESPM-Rio/ UFF)
Prof. Dr. João Luiz Vieira (UFF)
Prof. Dr. Lucia Santa Cruz (ESPM-Rio)
Prof. Dr. Márcia Bessa (UFRJ)
Prof. Dr. Paola Barreto
Prof. Dr. Pedro Curi (ESPM-Rio)

*Scientific committee:*

Prof. Dr. Anita Simis (Unesp)
Prof. Dr. Eduardo Morettin (USP)
Prof. Dr. Igor Sacramento (Fiocruz)
Prof. Ms. Franco Groia (Universo-Juiz de Fora)
Kate Vivianne Saraiva (UFPE)
Prof. Dr. Luis Alberto Rocha Melo (UFJF)
Prof. Dr. Marcus Tavares (ESPM-Rio)
Prof. Dr. Tiago Monteiro (IFRJ)
Prof. Dr. Wilson Oliveira (Estácio-RJ)

By |2017-03-16T16:05:40+00:00Março 16th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP – Ways of Seeing Conference – Movie theatre histories, exhibition and audience practices May 11 – 12, 2017, ESPM-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Deadline: March 24, 2017
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