Conferência Internacional “Género na Arte de Países Lusófonos: Corpo, Sexualidade, Identidade, Resistência” com chamada de trabalhos até dia 1 de agosto

Nos dias 27 e 28 de outubro de 2017, tem lugar, na Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, a Conferência Internacional Género na Arte de Países Lusófonos: Corpo, Sexualidade, Identidade, Resistência. Esta conferência tem como objetivo principal debater, de um modo transdisciplinar, as questões de género no panorama artístico de países lusófonos contemporâneo (século XXI), desafiando os modelos tradicionais de produção de conhecimento do Norte Global.
O período para apresentação de propostas de trabalhos termina a 1 de agosto.

+ inf:

By |2017-06-23T14:10:52+00:00Junho 23rd, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em Conferência Internacional “Género na Arte de Países Lusófonos: Corpo, Sexualidade, Identidade, Resistência” com chamada de trabalhos até dia 1 de agosto

IV Congresso Internacional em Estudos de Género com chamada de trabalhos aberta até 20 de julho de 2017

O IV Congresso Internacional em Estudos de Género, que será dedicado à temática «O Feminino no Contexto Italiano e Lusófono», e é organizado pelo CLEPUL – Centro de Literaturas e Culturas Lusófonas e Europeias da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (FLUL / ULisboa), DISTU – Dipartimento di Studi Linguistico-Letterari e Storico-Filosofici e Giuridici / Università della Tuscia di Viterbo, UNIFESSPA – Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará, CIEG – Centro Interdisciplinar Estudos de Género – ISCSP – Universidade de Lisboa, IECCPMA – Instituto Europeu de Ciências da Cultura – Padre Manuel Antunes e o Instytut Komunikacji Specjalistycznej i Interkulturowej (Dipartimento di Comunicazione Specialistica e Interculturale ) – Uniwersytet Warszawski / Universidade de Varsóvia, decorre nos próximos dias 23, 24 e 25 de novembro de 2017, na Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo, em Itália. A chamada de trabalhos está aberta até ao próximo dia 20 de julho.

Toda a informação, aqui

By |2017-06-23T14:08:55+00:00Junho 23rd, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em IV Congresso Internacional em Estudos de Género com chamada de trabalhos aberta até 20 de julho de 2017

Digital Journalism Special Issue Call for Papers

This special issue will interest scholars who are concerned to inquire how digitalization has changed journalistic news sourcing techniques. The use of reliable sources is one of the most important aspects of journalistic news production. However, when making news, journalists now increasingly use social media, websites, wikis, and online encyclopedias as sources. In today’s 24/7 news cycles, online sources offer a quick, convenient, cheap, and effective way for journalists to gather information on developing stories, and they increasingly also trigger news stories.

But, what are the consequences of online sourcing for professionalism and journalism practice? Do online sources change the power relationship between elite actors and journalists, and lead to tensions? Can all online sources be reliably verified?

For this special issue, we are interested in showcasing research that focuses or is related to one of four aspects of online sourcing in journalism.

First, we ask which online sources are most prominent within journalistic reporting, and/or whether they have replaced more traditional sourcing techniques?
Second, we want to show research that asks why and how journalists use online sources during their daily work and in the newsroom, and how they verify these sources.
Third, we focus on the consequences of online sourcing for audience perceptions of journalism, for example in terms of the credibility of news and journalism.
Fourth, we aim to investigate potential changes in the relationship between journalists and (elite) actors as sources, who now have multiple options to communicate with audiences directly.

We encourage scholars to engage with the above topics with both theoretical and empirical contributions. We also aim to bring together both qualitative and quantitative research, ranging from methods such as ethnographic research, interviewing, to content analysis, big data, survey and experimental designs. We encourage the use of different theoretical approaches to understand online journalistic sourcing techniques (e.g., framing, journalistic role perceptions, storytelling, conceptions of professionalism and the newsroom).

Submission Instructions

Please send abstracts of no more than 250 words to by July 31st, 2017. Selected authors will be invited to contribute by 30th of November 2017, a max. 8,000-word paper (including references, tables, etc.) will be considered for publication subject to double blind peer-review.


July 2017: Deadline for abstract submissions

November 2017: Deadline for full paper submissions

March 2018: First round of decisions with revisions

Editorial information

By |2017-06-19T09:45:32+00:00Junho 19th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em Digital Journalism Special Issue Call for Papers

CFP: Crossing borders in journalism training | Deadline: July 25th

The European Journalism Training Association’s Teacher’s Conference (EJTA-2017) is calling for presentation proposals. The conference will take place in Moscow, Russia, on the 19th and 20th of October 2017.

The conference is entitled “Journalism education across borders”. The organisers have provided the following list of topics which the event seeks to discuss:

  • Crossing academic borders: how to bring together academic and professional demands?
  • Crossing geographical borders: how to stimulate the mobility of students (higher and mid-career education)?
  • Crossing ideological borders: how to contribute to depolarization within society and on a global level?
  • Crossingsocial borders: how to represent all groups in the society?
  • Crossing competence borders: how to teach hybrid competences?
  • Crossing educational borders: how to adapt curricula to changing professional realities?
  • Crossing professional borders: how to respond to non-professional journalism?

Abstract submissions are due on July 25th.

Further information is available on the conference website.

By |2017-06-07T14:57:09+00:00Junho 7th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: Crossing borders in journalism training | Deadline: July 25th

Chamada de artigos: revista Estudos de Jornalismo “Ser jornalista: Ruturas e continuidades” – Número 7 (2017) | Prazo: 17 de setembro, 2017

A revista Estudos de Jornalismo, da SOPCOM (Associação Portuguesa de Ciências da Comunicação), abre um período de chamada a artigos, desejavelmente inéditos. O objetivo é proporcionar à comunidade académica em comunicação, elementos de reflexão sobre o tema Ser jornalista: Ruturas e continuidades. Nesse sentido, partilhamos alguns tópicos que nos parecem merecer a atenção dos colegas investigadores / pesquisadores:

– Perspetiva histórica da profissão;
– Velhas e novas questões éticas;
– Da formação ao acesso à profissão;
– O associativismo no jornalismo;
– História do sindicalismo e do Sindicato dos Jornalistas;
– A questão da Ordem dos Jornalistas;
– Transformações na composição social da profissão;
– As fronteiras da profissão;
– Regulamentação do jornalismo;
– O jornalista face à complexidade: generalista ou especialista?;
– O diálogo dos jornalistas com os cidadãos;
– Literacia mediática e sua relevância para o jornalismo;
– Os jornalistas, as fontes e as agências de comunicação;
– Os jornalistas e os poderes;
– Assimetrias na profissão: da elite ao “precariado”;
– O fator tecnológico no exercício do jornalismo.

O prazo para o envio dos textos completos (artigos e/ou recensões) é 17 de setembro e os mesmos devem seguir para o email Lembramos que pelo menos um dos autores tem que ter o doutoramento concluído. A publicação desta edição está prevista para o final do mês de novembro.

Lembramos que a submissão dos artigos deve ser feita seguindo a Política Editorial da revista.
Editor convidado: Manuel Pinto (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
Autores: Coordenação do GT Jornalismo e Sociedade da SOPCOM · Ano: 2017

By |2017-05-27T16:50:00+00:00Maio 27th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em Chamada de artigos: revista Estudos de Jornalismo “Ser jornalista: Ruturas e continuidades” – Número 7 (2017) | Prazo: 17 de setembro, 2017

Digital Intimacies 3.0: Connections & Disconnections – Call for Papers* November 13-15, 2017 | Deadline: June 30

Digital media have come to occupy a central role in the mediation, recording, and remembering of intimate lives: from geolocative traces, romantic relationships on Facebook, private Snapchats, pictures of newborns on Instagram, and hook-ups on Tinder or Grindr, to shared survival stories of assault and sexual violence on Reddit.

Going beyond the logic of connectivity and sharing that dominates much of the research into digital media, Light (2014) has drawn attention to the various ways in which digital media can also operate as sites of disconnection. As digital traces of lives mediated in digital spaces bleed and permeate, echoes of intimacies are regularly resurfaced: untagged photos, archived emails, unfriended people, deleted apps. These traces evidence episodes of disconnection as much as connection.

– What can the study of digital media reveal about disconnections in our intimate lives?
– In what ways do digital media shape both our connections and disconnections?
– What questions are raised about what (or who) we delete and how we remember?
– What is the role of automation in intimate connections and disconnections?

Following the success of the first two Digital Intimacies symposia, held at UQ and hosted by the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH), convened by Amy Dobson, Nic Carah, and Brady Robards, this year we are bringing the event to Melbourne, to be hosted at RMIT by the School of Media and Communication.

The single stream symposium will run for two days, November 13 + 14, 2017. This year, there will be an optional third day (November 15) of collaborative workshops. The idea here is to capture the energy from the symposium and provide space for collaborative work and further discussions.

We are again calling for paper abstracts on the themes of digital media and intimate lives, with particular interest around the theme of connection and disconnection.

Please submit abstracts of 250-300 words to <> by June 30, 2017. We will send notifications of acceptances out by mid-July. We are hoping to make this a low-cost event, especially for students, but there may be a small registration fee to cover costs.

Convenors: Jenny Kennedy (RMIT), Brady Robards (Monash), and Tania Lewis (RMIT)

Keynotes: Prof. Kath Albury (Swinburne) and more to be announced

By |2017-05-27T16:03:48+00:00Maio 27th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em Digital Intimacies 3.0: Connections & Disconnections – Call for Papers* November 13-15, 2017 | Deadline: June 30

Conference: Language, Discourse and Mass Media (GT2), 11.10.2017-13.10.2017 Montevideo, Uruguay

a) Identity and mass media
b) Ethical implications of mass media communication
c) Mass media texts and genres
d) Mass media texts and multimodality
e) Technology, discourse and mass media
f) Other topics on language, discourse and mass media

Contact person: Germán Canale

By |2017-05-27T16:02:18+00:00Maio 27th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em Conference: Language, Discourse and Mass Media (GT2), 11.10.2017-13.10.2017 Montevideo, Uruguay

CFP: CMCI P.h.D. Conference 2017, 13th June 2017

Just over 2 weeks left now until CMCI PhD Conference 2017. The attendance is free, but it is essential that you register at .

The conference will be held on Tuesday, June 13, from 8.30 until 18.30, at King’s College London Waterloo Campus (Franklin-Wilkins Building, Stamford Street London, SE1 9NH). A full schedule of the day can be downloaded here:

Hosted: Culture, Media and Creative Industries, King’s College London

Location: King’s College London Waterloo Campus (Franklin-Wilkins Building, Stamford Street London, SE1 9NH)

Date: 13th June 2017

Keynote Speakers: Dr. Oli Mould (Human Geography at Royal Holloway, University of London)

Conference Introduction:

In recent times the world has experienced fundamental and ongoing changes of society on a global scale, such as political isolationism, regional conflicts, and the displacement of refugees and/or immigrants. In this atmosphere of uncertainty, culture has a role to play in reflection, diversification, debate, and even reconciliation in transformation processes and the public sphere of communities. Culture and cultural industries can, and should, act as a platform for discussion, analysis and critique of societal shifts. Through this interdisciplinary conference we seek to address questions of resistance and resilience through the lens of culture, media and creative industries. What does the current economic, social and political climate mean for creative industries? How does cultural policy negotiate changes and unpredictability? What is the role of culture in societal shifts? We invite speakers to consider examples of cultural resilience, the instrumentality of culture for resistance or mediation, and the diversity of perspectives that can be used to frame debate. Cultural Resilience / Resilient Cultures is the fourth annual CMCI conference, following last year’s successful event (In)Visible Cultures. We welcome researchers to engage with questions of resilience and resistance in our society, culture, media and the creative industries, and to share their ideas with the colleagues from around the world in a friendly and stimulating environment.
Highlights include:

Keynote:_ Dr Oli Mould (Lecturer in Human Geography, Department of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London) – The Seven Ethics of Creative Subversion
CMCI staff round table discussion_, chaired by Dr Sarah Atkinson:
Reflections on Resistance and Resilience from Culture, Media and Creative Industries, with Dr Wing-Fai Leung, Dr Kevin Milburn, Dr Jessica Rapson and Dr Kate McMillan


Media Intertextuality – Globalized Resistance
Creative Industries in Periods of Change
Instrumental Uses of Culture
The Art of Protesting: Cultural and Creative Modes of Activism
Remembering and Forgetting: Resistance Through Memory and Commemoration
Cultural Politics in Identities: Gender, Ethnicity, Diaspora,  Migration and Transnationalism

We hope you can join us for this day encompassing over 25 presentations from scholars from 10 countries.
Please email <> with any questions or comments.

By |2017-05-27T15:59:58+00:00Maio 27th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: CMCI P.h.D. Conference 2017, 13th June 2017

Candidaturas abertas para prémio de Jornalismo “Direitos Humanos e Integração” | Prazo: 7 de julho 2017

Até ao próximo dia 7 de julho estão abertas as candidaturas relativas ao Prémio de Jornalismo “Direitos Humanos & Integração”.

Conforme indica a organização, o galardão é “promovido em conjunto pela Secretaria Geral da Presidência do Conselho de Ministros (SGPCM) e pela Comissão Nacional da UNESCO (CNU)”, distinguindo “os melhores trabalhos jornalísticos sobre direitos humanos e integração que tenham sido publicados ou difundidos, em 2016, nos órgãos de comunicação social portugueses”.

No total, o prémio vai repartir 10 mil euros, repartidos pelas seguintes categorias: “Imprensa, destinado a trabalhos com conteúdo predominantemente escrito ou infográfico – 2.500 euros; Rádio, destinado a trabalhos com conteúdo predominante sonoro – 2.500 euros; Meios Audiovisuais, destinado a trabalhos cujo conteúdo predominante seja constituído por imagens em movimento – 2.500 euros; Comunicação Social Regional e Local, destinado a
trabalhos apresentados por profissionais dos órgãos de comunicação social regional e local, independentemente das
categorias acima definidas – 2.500 euros.”

Os interessados podem procurar mais informação aqui.

By |2017-05-26T19:26:56+00:00Maio 26th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em Candidaturas abertas para prémio de Jornalismo “Direitos Humanos e Integração” | Prazo: 7 de julho 2017

IX Congreso Internacional de Ciberperiodismo, 27 y 28 de noviembre de 2017 | Propuestas: 15 de junio de 2017

La Dirección y el Comité Científico del  IX Congreso Internacional de Ciberperiodismo  le da la bienvenida y le invita a participar en el Congreso que se realizará en Bilbao los días 27 y 28 de noviembre de 2017 en el Bizkaia Aretoa de la UPV/EHU, bajo el título “Innovación y emprendimiento al servicio de las audiencias”.

Se podrán enviar propuestas/abstracts para su presentación que cumplan con los objetivos y temas del Congreso antes del 15 de junio de 2017 a la dirección La notificación por parte del Comité Científico de las propuestas aceptadas será antes del 30 de junio de 2017.

Los textos completos de las propuestas que sean aceptadas deberán ser enviadas antes del 15 de septiembre de 2017 y deberán adaptarse a las normas de redacción para ser publicadas en una edición digital con su correspondiente ISBN.

Como novedad con respecto a años anteriores, las personas que así lo deseen podrán presentar sus propuestas de comunicaciones para que sean publicadas en la revista Mediatika, previa revisión por pares. El Consejo de Redacción de la revista ha previsto la publicación de seis textos en la edición que saldrá coincidiendo con la celebración del Congreso.

Agradeciendo toda la colaboración que nos pueda prestar para el CIBERPEBI2017 nos ponemos desde este momento a su disposición para cualquier información adicional que considere. Más información, en la web del congreso:

Asimismo le rogaríamos que contribuyera a la difusión de este correo entre sus contactos a fin de que lleguen al mayor número posible de personas.


El Comité Organizador

The Scientific Committee of the 9th International Conference on Ciberjournalism is pleased to invite you to the Conference that will take place on the 27th and 28th of November 2017, at the Bizkaia Aretoa (UPV/EHU) in Bilbao, under the title “Innovation and entrepreneurship at the audiences’ service”.

The Scientific Committee encourages participants to submit paper proposals/abstracts before the 15th June 2017. Proposals must be sent via mail: Authors will be notified of paper acceptance before the 30thJune 2017.

Full papers are expected before the 15th  September 2017. Papers following guidelines and formatting instructions will be published in the Conference Proceedings in digital format (with ISBN).

As a novelty with respect to previous years, participants will have the option of submitting their proposals to Mediatika peer-reviewed journal. The publishing Committee of the journal will accept a maximum of six articles for the November edition.

More information:

Thank you in advance for your interest and for contributing to spreading this call. The organizers are at your disposal for any further question or information you would like to consult.


The Organizing Committee,

IX. Nazioarteko Ziberkazetaritza Biltzarraren Batzorde Zientifikoak, Bilbon 2017ko azaroaren 27 eta 28an ospatuko den kongresuan parte-hartzeko gonbitea egin nahi dizu. Aurtengo kongresuaren izenburua: “Berrikuntza eta ekintzailetza audientzien zerbitzuan.

Kongresuaren helburu eta gaiekin bat datozen proposamen eta laburpenak helbidera bidali beharko dira 2017ko ekainaren 15a baino lehen. Batzorde Zientifikoak ekainaren 30a baino lehen emango du onartutako proposamenen berri.

Halaber, onartutako proposamenen testu osoak 2017ko irailaren 15a baino lehen bidali beharko dira eta aurretik zehaztutako idazketa arauak jarraitu beharko dituzte, ondoren sareko edizioan dagokion ISBNarekin argitaratuak izan daitezen.

Horrez gain, berritasun gisara, aurten egileek aukeran izango dute euren testua Mediatika aldizkarira bidali eta editoreen iragazkia igarota, bertan argitaratzekoa. Aldizkariko Erredakzio Batzordeak, kongresuaren ospakizun egunetan aurkeztuko den sei testutako argitalpena aurreikusi du.

Eskerrak eman nahi dizkizugu CIBERPEBI2017 antolatu ahal izateko eskainitako lankidetzarengatik. Beste edozein informazio nahi izanez gero, jarri harremanetan gurekin edo sartu kongresuko webgunean:

Halaber, mezu honen zabalpena egitea eskertuko genizuke ahalik eta hedapen handiena izan dezan.


Batzorde Antolatzailea

By |2017-05-26T19:25:08+00:00Maio 26th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em IX Congreso Internacional de Ciberperiodismo, 27 y 28 de noviembre de 2017 | Propuestas: 15 de junio de 2017
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