Digital Cultures: Knowledge / Culture / Technology | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE / Leuphana University of Lüneburg. 19–22 September 2018, Lüneburg, Germany

The advent and ubiquity of digital media technologies precipitate a profound transformation of the spheres of knowledge and circuits of culture. Simultaneously, the background operation of digital systems in routines of daily life increasingly obscures the materiality and meaning of technologically induced change. Computational architectures of algorithmic governance prevail across a vast and differentiated range of institutional settings and organizational practices. Car assembly plants, warehousing, shipping ports, sensor cities, agriculture, government agencies, university campuses. These are just some of the infrastructural sites overseen by software operations designed to extract value, coordinate practices and manage populations in real-time. While Silicon Valley ideology prevails over the design and production of the artefacts, practices and institutions that mark digital cultures, the architectures and infrastructures of its operations are continually rebuilt, hacked, broken and maintained within a proliferation of sites across the globe.

To analytically grasp the emerging transformations requires media and cultural studies to inquire into the epochal changes taking place with the proliferation of digital media technologies. While in many ways the digital turn has long been in process, its cultural features and effects are far from even or comprehensively known. Research needs to attend to the infrastructural and environmental registrations of the digital. Critical historiographies attend to the world-making capacities of digital cultures, situating the massive diversity of practices within specific technical systems, geocultural dynamics and geopolitical forces. At the same time the contemporaneity of digital cultures invites new methods that draw on digital media technologies as tools, and, more importantly, that engage the intersection between media technologies, cultural practices and institutional settings. New organizational forms in digital economies, new forms of association and sociality, and new subjectivizations generated from changing human-machine configurations are among the primary manifestations of the digital that challenge disciplinary capacities in terms of method. The empirics of the digital, in other words, signals a transversality at the level of disciplinarity, methods and knowledge production.

This conference brings together research concerned with studying digital cultures and the ways that digital media technologies transform contemporary culture, society and economy. The hosts specifically encourage approaches to digital cultures emerging from media and cultural theory, along with transnational currents of communications, science and technology studies. We also explicitly invite researchers from digital humanities, digital anthropology, digital sociology, gender studies, postcolonial studies, urban studies, architecture, organization studies, environmental studies, geography and computer science to engage in this endeavor to develop a critical humanities and cultural studies alert to the operations, materialities and politics of digital cultures.


Further information on themes, speakers, submissions and the preceding summer school on historiographies of digital cultures can be found

By |2018-02-20T18:21:52+00:00Fevereiro 20th, 2018|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em Digital Cultures: Knowledge / Culture / Technology | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE / Leuphana University of Lüneburg. 19–22 September 2018, Lüneburg, Germany

CFP: XXX SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL AISOC “Escenarios sobre violencia, comunicación y organizaciones”

En continuación con los seminarios organizados por AISOC en las ciudades de Lima (Perú, 1989), León (México, 1989), Madrid (España, 1990), Santiago (Chile, 1991), Santander (España, 1992), Guanajuato (México, 1993), Bielefeld (Alemania, 1994), Braga (Portugal, 1995), Santiago (Chile, 1996), Montreal (Canadá, 1997), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (España, 1998), Lima (Perú, 1999), Barbastro (España, 2000), San Juan (Argentina, 2001), Brisbane (Australia, 2002), Puebla (México, 2003), Valencia (España, 2004), Braga (Portugal, 2005) Caracas (Venezuela, 2006), Macao (China, 2007), Santiago (Chile, 2008), Salto (Uruguay, 2009), Gotemburgo (Suecia, 2010), Guanajuato (México, 2011), Buenos Aires (Argentina, 2012), Madrid (España, 2013), Yokohama (Japón, 2014), Montevideo (Uruguay, 2015), Viena (Austria, 2016) y Ciudad de México (México, 2017).

  • Área temática 1: Estudios sobre violencia, comunicación y organizaciones
  • Área temática 2: Innovación y organizaciones digitales
  •  Área temática 3: Educación y género: propuestas ante la violencia
  • Área temática 4: Buenas prácticas en organizaciones latinoamericanas

Comité organizador

José A. Ruiz San Román (España), Rosa Ma Ortiz (México), Antonio Lucas (España), Isabel de la Torre (España), Leticia Porto (España), Kenia Del Orbe (Rep. Dominicana), Francisco J. Velázquez (México), Alejandro Piscitelli (Argentina), Sergio Llano (Colombia), Claudia Gutiérrez (México), Ma Victoria Sanagustín (España).

Envío del resumen / abstract (máx. 300 palabras) hasta 01 de marzo a las direcciones: /

Registro e Inscripción

La asistencia y presentación de comunicaciones será gratuito para todas aquellas personas inscritas en el Congreso de ISA o que acrediten estar al corriente del pago en AISOC. Para inscribirse en AISOC por primera vez o renovar cuota de socio se deberá abonar 40 euros / USD (validez durante dos años) a través de transferencia o directamente al comienzo del Seminario, en Toronto.

Titular: Asociación Iberoamericana de Sociología de las Organizaciones y Comunicación (AISOC)
Banco CC: Bankia ES62 2038 2493 47 6000438554 Código SWIFT/BIC: CAHMESMMXXX Sucursal: Oficina 2493 – Avda. Viñuelas, 27 (Tres Cantos) 28760 Madrid – España Concepto: Cuota socio (Nombre y apellidos)

Más información: Secretaría técnica /

Jueves, 19 de julio de 2018 Toronto, Canadá

By |2018-02-14T10:57:41+00:00Fevereiro 14th, 2018|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: XXX SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL AISOC “Escenarios sobre violencia, comunicación y organizaciones”

Chamada de trabalhos Comunicação e Cidadania Congresso 2018 – COMPÓS

Está aberto o prazo de submissão de artigos para a Compós 2018, especificamente para o GT Comunicação e Cidadania.


Aspectos teóricos e metodológicos de experiências e práticas comunicacionais e mediáticas relacionados às esferas das cidadanias econômica, sociopolítica, cultural, intercultural,

transnacional, global e socioambiental e de uma cidadania comunicativa. Estudo das articulações entre comunicação, cidadania e cultura nos campos da comunicação mediada e não mediada. Processos comunicacionais no âmbito das culturas populares, das redes de movimentos sociais, comunitários, populares e sindicais, presenciais e virtuais, no marco de uma nova pedagogia da comunicação. Pesquisas sobre apropriações e os usos das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação por movimentos comunitários e sociais que envolvam práticas cidadãs relacionadas a dimensões sócio-identitárias como classe social, gênero, etnia, religiosidade.


De 15 de janeiro a 19 de fevereiro de 2018, às 18h, horário de Brasília, pelo site da Compós.


Até 02 de abril de 2018 no site da Compós.

Mais informações sobre taxas, critérios de financiamento, procedimentos de submissão e formatação dos trabalhos estão disponíveis em:

By |2018-01-18T19:35:08+00:00Janeiro 18th, 2018|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em Chamada de trabalhos Comunicação e Cidadania Congresso 2018 – COMPÓS

Congresso Internacional “Portugal na (e no tempo da) Grande Guerra” – chamada para comunicações aberta

Decorre até 18 de fevereiro de 2018 a chamada para a apresentação de comunicações no Congresso Internacional “Portugal na (e no tempo da) Grande Guerra”, que se realiza entre 19 e 20 de abril de 2018 na Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), em Vila Real.

Pretende-se assinalar o centenário do primeiro grande conflito armado, à escala mundial, através da reflexão em torno de áreas como as memórias e representações textuais da Grande Guerra, a evolução científica, a comunicação e os retratos relacionados com este período histórico e questões relacionadas com a Religião e o seu papel durante a guerra.

Deste modo, as comunicações podem versar temas nas seguintes áreas:

  1. Memórias e representações textuais da Grande Guerra
  2. Grande Guerra e evolução científica

III. Manifestações Culturais no tempo da (e na) Grande Guerra

  1. Comunicação na Grande Guerra: retratos
  2. Religião no tempo da Grande Guerra

As propostas de comunicação deverão ser enviadas para, acompanhadas dos seguintes documentos em formato .docx: 1) indicação do eixo temático em que se integra a proposta de comunicação; 2) título e resumo da comunicação (máx. 2500 carateres sem espaços) e 3/4 palavras-chave; 4) Curriculum Vitae resumido (máximo 15 linhas). As comunicações aprovadas para apresentação no congresso terão a duração de 20 minutos.

O congresso é organizado pelo Departamento de Letras, Artes e Comunicação (DLAC) da UTAD, em parceria com o Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar «Cultura, Espaço e Memória» (CITCEM). Este evento conta ainda com várias instituições associadas, como o Regimento de Infantaria 13 (Vila Real), o Centro de Estudos em Letras (CEL – UTAD), o Museu Diocesano de Lamego, o Museu Bernardino Machado (Famalicão) e o Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (Universidade do Minho).

Mais informações:

By |2018-01-11T12:33:26+00:00Janeiro 11th, 2018|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em Congresso Internacional “Portugal na (e no tempo da) Grande Guerra” – chamada para comunicações aberta

NECS Conference 2018

The University of Amsterdam, the Free University of Amsterdam and Utrecht University

The NECS 2018 Conference Media Tactics and Engagement 27-29 June 2018 Hosted by the University of Amsterdam and the Free University of Amsterdam

Open Access in Media Studies
30 June 2018
Hosted by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision

Deadline for submissions: 31st of January 2018

Please note that the membership fee must be paid before submission (see for more details, please check this info early enough to guarantee payment on time).
Pay the fee in January to get access for the full calendar year.

Please submit all proposals using the submission form available at:

The changing media landscape requires continuous (re)invention of the ways in which photography, film, television, digital media, and the arts are produced, distributed, accessed, and consumed. Back in the past like today, the question of media tactics and engagement is crucial once more. Today the question seems even more urgent, since large corporations provide platforms and services that foster the desired behaviour of the average media viewer/user/consumer and produ(c/s)er; nevertheless, in previous decades, ways of planning long-term strategies, tactical reactions to unforeseen circumstances and engagement have determined media practices and discourses. The NECS 2018 conference will explore the various – both intended and/or subversive − ways in which media are currently developed, deployed and distorted.

The conference welcomes a wide range of approaches to thinking about the notions of tactics and engagement across all forms of media.
Firstly, this could include thinking of tactics as the means to an overarching strategic end. Thus the term can draw attention to larger trends within the media industries and its practices. Why and to what effect do film and media distributors order and/or produce original content? What are the aesthetic consequences of this, both for artistic content as well as for the audience experience? What roles do shifts in modes of address, distribution, and exhibition venues play? And what kind of opportunities and constraints for content producers arise from this?
Secondly, following Michel de Certeau, the political consequences of the relation between strategy and tactics can be investigated. Strategy as a long-term modus operandi of the prevalent political, economic and scientific rationality is opposed to tactics as the improvisational, context-specific techniques developed by individuals or collectives to better navigate strategically shaped spaces. Tactics in this sense oftentimes insert themselves into strategic environments without disrupting them – for instance when novelists develop new writing techniques in response to Amazon’s arguably exploitative pay-per-page model, or exiled filmmakers react to changed production constraints through what Hamid Naficy termed “accented cinema”. In fact, strategy and tactics deeply affect media practices as much as their aesthetics, and often result in consistent planning, or momentary options, which seem viable. How do these two terms interact, when it comes to aesthetics? Through this conceptual pair, one may thus ask to what different strategic and tactical uses various media enter political discourse, and again, what the consequences of this could be for industrial and artistic media practices.

The notion of engagement opens up a third and more general dimension of the conference theme, pointing towards the various ways in which viewers and users engage with the media of their choice, both in the past and today. How have individuals or collectives (tactically) engaged cinema, television, photography, radio, the arts, the archive, the news, the internet, and so on? And what kind of important changes can be scrutinized in such practices? Furthermore, we invite submissions that discuss forms of disengagement, such as “media fasting” or “going off the grid”.

The NECS 2018 conference will tackle the issue of media tactics and engagement while including the many different research perspectives pursued by the members of our community.

Submissions may include but are not limited to the following topics:

• New and old media industry practices
• Histories of media tactics and engagement
• Activist media and media activism (including politics and celebrity)
• Studies of subversive narratives in film and cross-media
• Political cinema, documentary, art and television
• Avant-garde and new wave tactics
• Ecocritical media and the Anthropocene
• Infrastructures of engagement (collective venues, networks, institutional policies etc.)
• Articulations of identity politics or power dynamics through media
• Self-performance: strategy, tactics, engagement
• Materialities of media engagement
• Culture jamming, remixing, mashing, and other transformative and fan practices (from cosplay to conventions)
• Strategic aesthetic practices (e.g. satire, horror, melodrama, tragicomedy)
• Bottom-up funding initiatives (collective production, political cinema, media activism, crow-funding practices)
• (New) Sound and music tactics and engagement
• Distribution models, between strategy and tactics, from early media to contemporaneity
• Strategy and tactics in a post-truth world
• Economies and ecologies of attention, including slacktivism, boredom and various forms of disengagement such as “media fasting” or “going off the grid”
• Viral or spreadable media, as well as hacking tactics
• Curatorial engagement and programming practices
• Transmedia practices
• Academic engagement
• Teaching and research as media tactics
• Media-archaeological media tactics engaging with analogue media

Scholars from all areas of cinema and media studies, whether previously affiliated with NECS or new to the network, are invited to submit proposals, but NECS membership is a requirement.

Please note that individuals may submit only one paper proposal, either as individual presenters or as part of a pre-constituted panel or workshop.

Individual papers
Individual presenters wishing to submit a proposal for a paper presentation of max. 20 minutes are required to provide their name, email address, the title of the paper, an abstract, key biographical references, and a short bio of the speaker.

Pre-constituted panels
We support the submission of proposals for pre-constituted panels with 3 or 4 papers (3 papers only if there is a respondent) in order to strengthen the thematic coherence of panels. Furthermore, several thematically related panels may form larger clusters. We would like to strongly encourage members of the NECS workgroups to put together pre-constituted panels, but we also welcome submissions from academic research project teams, museums, archives, and other institutions. We highly recommend no more than two speakers from the same institution with a maximum of 20 minutes speaking time each. Panel organizers are asked to submit panel proposals that include a panel title, a short description of the panel and information on all of the individual papers of the panel, as described above.

Events such as workshops, roundtables or seminars – both pre-conference and conference – concentrating on more practical aspects of our field, e.g. teaching, research methods, publishing, or networking with the media industry are also welcome. Speaking time should be limited to 10 minutes per participant. Organizers are asked to submit workshop proposals that include a title and a short description.

There will be opportunity for the NECS workgroups to meet during the conference. Please notify the conference organizers if you wish to hold a workgroup meeting:

Please submit all proposals before the 31st of January 2018 using the submission form available at:

Participants will have to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses. Travel information, a list of local hotels and information on further events will be posted on the NECS conference website in Spring 2018.

See also:

Please email all inquiries that cannot be answered by the FAQ to:


The 16th NECS Graduate Workshop
The NECS Graduate Workshop has been designed to give scholars at the beginning of their career a platform for networking with established European film and media scholars. The 16th NECS Graduate Workshop in Utrecht (25 June 2018, Utrecht University) is dedicated to the topic of ‘To Prefer Not To: Media Inoperativities’.
You will find the CfP online at:
Please send your submission with an abstract (max. 200 words) and a short bio (max. 150 words) to:
Organizers: Christian Sancto (Utrecht University), Alba Gimenez (University of South Wales) and Jiyu Zhang (Leiden University)

Pre-conference “Media in Transition”
Utrecht University hosts an one-day event with round-table discussions about “Media in Transition” that addresses the transformations of the highly dynamic field of the media industry. For more information about the programme and registration, please see
Organizers: Karin van Es, Judith Keilbach, Nina Köll, Hanna Surma, and Nanna Verhoeff

Post-conference workshop “Open Access in Media Studies”
A Post-conference Open Access workshop will be held at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, in cooperation with VIEW: Journal of European Television History and Culture, NECSUS: European Journal of Media Studies, and Open Access in Media Studies website. For more information about the workshop and registration, please see
Organizers: Jaap Kooijman, Jeroen Sondervan, and Jefferson Pooley


NECS Steering Committee: Sophie Einwächter, Judith Keilbach, Skadi Loist, Michał Pabiś-Orzeszyna, Francesco Pitassio, Antonio Somaini, Alena Strohmaier

NECS Conference Committee: Marie Aude Baronian, Luca Barra, Sudeep Dasgupta, James Harvey-Davitt, Rahma Khazam, Daniel Kulle, Raphaëlle Moine, Michał Pabiś-Orzeszyna, Antonio Somaini, Jan Teurlings

Local organizing team: Marie Aude Baronian, Sudeep Dasgupta, Jaap Kooijman, Halbe Kuipers, Toni Pape, Patricia Pisters, Jan Teurlings, Maryn Wilkinson (UvA); Ivo Blom, Sebastian Scholz (VU), Laura Copier, Judith Keilbach, Anne Kustritz, Clara Pafort-Overduin, Christian Sancto, Hanna Surma, Marijke de Valck (UU)

By |2018-01-08T16:15:06+00:00Janeiro 8th, 2018|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em NECS Conference 2018

Call para Artigos Originais sobre Afrodescendentes em Portugal

O Observatório das Migrações convida à apresentação de artigos científicos para um Número Temático da Revista Migrações a lançar em 2018 dedicado ao tema dos Afrodescendentes em Portugal, para assinalar a Década Internacional de Afrodescendentes 2015-2024.

Os interessados devem propor artigos originais sobre um dos seguintes subtemas ou dimensões de estudo:

– Afrodescendentes: conceitos, categorias e dimensões analíticas
– Afrodescendentes na História
– Afrodescendentes em Portugal e o estado da arte: o que sabemos e o que desconhecemos?
– Desafios com categorias raciais e étnicas e dilemas estatísticos?
– Afrodescendentes e integração escolar
– Afrodescendentes e integração no mercado de trabalho
– Afrodescendentes, habitação e condições de vida
– Afrodescendentes e saúde
– Afrodescendentes, direitos políticos e integração política
– Afrodescendentes no quadro jurídico e dos direitos humanos
– Afrodescendentes, nacionalidade e cidadania
– Afrodescendentes, associativismo, ativismo e o papel da sociedade civil
– Afrodescendentes, criminalidade e justiça
– Afrodescendentes, racismo e discriminação de base racial e étnica
– Afrodescendentes e as questões de género
– Afrodescendentes nos media e perceções sociais

O edital deste call encontra-se disponível aqui,  estando previsto o prémio de dois mil euros para o melhor artigo cientifico proposto e a publicação dos 10 melhores artigos científicos neste volume especial da Revista Migrações em 2018.

Os interessados deverão conhecer ainda as regras de apresentação de artigos científicos originais da Revista Migrações em

By |2018-01-08T12:04:56+00:00Janeiro 8th, 2018|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em Call para Artigos Originais sobre Afrodescendentes em Portugal

Call for abstracts for the 4th conference of the ECREA working group Journalism and Communication Education Research

The shifting communicative environment asks for experimentation in media, aiming at new narratives, tools and a new connection with the audience (Salaverría, 2015)[1]. At the same time, universities must adapt to the new multimedia and digital reality by becoming a place of training which is also, and more than ever, linked to experimentation and innovation.
In this new communicative environment, a re-evaluation of communication education is required since it must seek to meet the digital demands of the news media professions (Born, S. 2014)[2].
University-based research labs can help companies to train and promote the transfer of knowledge in the area of communication. The research scope is broadened and diversified around new narratives, professional profiles, use of sources through social networks, ethics of informative contrast, or the emergence of clickbait, among other aspects. In sum, there are new communicative paradigms that require new synergies between classroom, laboratory and company. How is it possible to approach the academic and professional fields? How do universities adapt to changes in the sector? What can we learn from these changes and how do we study them? What challenges and answers can be provided from the classroom to the company and back?
These are questions we would like to address at the 4th conference of the ECREA Temporary Working Group (TWG) Journalism and Communication Education Research, which will take place at the Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS) in Braga, Universidade do Minho, Portugal. On this occasion, the TWG proposes a debate on innovation and trends that flow between the classroom and the company, between ‘the research laboratory’ and the media professions. We want to think about how to connect the two sides, the academic and the professional perspective, at a time of innovative need.

We invite you to attend the conference ‘Trial & Error II’ and to submit contributions on media education. Contributions may be theoretical, methodological or empirical in nature and can touch upon, but are by no means restricted to, the following topics:
– New formative trends in the classroom and innovative didactics
– Experiments in multimedia narratives and tools
– The media professionals humanistic and ethic education
– New training profiles: Social Media Manager, MOJO, Data journalist, specialized, etc
– New business models in communication
– Ongoing teacher training in the new multimedia environment
– University and company laboratories
– Training future media professionals in social awareness, ethics and critical thinking
– Research methods and research perspectives in education for media professions
– Applicability of research in the classroom

Please note that we invite contributions in various formats, e.g. workshops, panels and conference presentations.
Workshops sessions deal in a practical way (‘hands on’) with current aspects of media
education. Proposals for workshop sessions should include a clearly defined workshop topic
and goal, and a number of questions or assignments for discussion as well as an indication of
the length of the session. Please submit a short workshop description (max. 500 words).
Conference presentations involve research results and/or theoretical work relevant to the conference theme. Please submit an abstract (max. 500 words, not including references),
outlining the state of the study or research project, as well as the research question(s) or
hypotheses, findings and conclusion(s). We also encourage submitting work in progress, e.g.
new theoretical or methodological ideas you wish to discuss with peers at the conference.
Panels consist of various presentations addressing a common topic from different
perspectives. Panels are scheduled for one hour, including discussions. Panel proposals
should include a description of the topic and an overall panel goal, addressing the relevance
of the topic to the conference theme (400 words). The proposal should also suggest a chair
to serve as a moderator and should include a short abstract of each of the presentations
(max. 200 words each).

True to the interdisciplinary nature of this conference, we encourage contributors to combine education for various media professions (PR, journalism, media management …) or to address the applicability/relevance of their topic for programs from different areas of media education.

Deadline for abstract submission: Monday, February 19, 2018.
Accepted presenters will be informed by Monday, April 2, 2018.

The conference will take place Thursday, May 10 and Friday, May 11, 2018.
Please submit abstracts at this link of the official website

The Conference is organized by Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS), with the coordination of Dra. Sandra Marinho (, and the ECREA Journalism & Communication Education TWG management team:

Dr. Michael Harnischmacher (Chair) / University of Passau / Passau, Germany (

Dr. Harmen Groenhart (Vice chair) / Fontys University of Applied Sciences / School of Journalism / Tilburg, The Netherlands (
Dra. Pilar Sánchez-García (Vice chair) / University of Valladolid / Faculty of Philosophy and Arts/ Valladolid, Spain (

1  Salaverría, Ramón (2015). “Labs as a formula for media innovation”. El profesional de la información, v. 24, n.4, pp. 397-404.

2 Born, Stephanie E. (2014). “Teaching Social Media Journalism: Challenges and Opportunities for Future CurriculumDesign” Journalism & Mass Communication Educator Vol. 69(3) 243–255 DOI: 10.1177/1077695814531767

By |2018-01-03T10:29:13+00:00Janeiro 3rd, 2018|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em Call for abstracts for the 4th conference of the ECREA working group Journalism and Communication Education Research


Apoio à realização de projetos de investigação em universidades ou centros de investigação nos EUA – ano letivo 2018/2019, em todas as áreas de estudo, com a duração de 4 a 9 meses consecutivos. É dada preferência a candidaturas de estudantes de mestrado ou doutoramento em universidades portuguesas.

Requisitos: Licenciatura terminada antes de concorrer à bolsa (média igual ou superior a 14, preferencialmente). São aceites candidatos que tenham terminado o primeiro grau de acordo com o Processo de Bolonha. Bons conhecimentos de Inglês. Prova de concordância com o projeto por parte da instituição norte-americana.

São admissíveis a concurso os candidatos que reúnam os seguintes requisitos:

· Possuam nacionalidade portuguesa;

· Não tenham beneficiado anteriormente de uma bolsa do Programa Fulbright;

· Não tenham residido nos EUA durante um período igual ou superior a 5 anos, nos 6 anos anteriores à data do concurso;

· Não possuam dupla nacionalidade portuguesa e norte-americana;

· Não possuam autorização de residência (green card) nos EUA;

· Não possuam visto que lhes permita residir nos EUA entre a altura do concurso à bolsa e o início do período de estadia nos EUA.

O período de candidatura decorre entre 1 e 31 de janeiro de 2018. As candidaturas são submetidas online.

Além do formulário de candidatura preenchido em inglês e submetido online até às 23h59 (hora de Lisboa) do último dia do prazo, uma candidatura completa é constituída pelos seguintes elementos:

a) Signature Form – formulário de assinatura comprovativo da veracidade dos dados submetidos online.

b) Três cartas de recomendação (Letters of Reference).

c) Carta de aceitação da instituição norte-americana que especifique as datas de início e de fim de estadia, o nome e título do professor de contacto na instituição de acolhimento e ainda eventuais custos e benefícios envolvidos.

d) Cópia do diploma ou certidão comprovativos da conclusão de cada grau académico obtido e respetiva tradução para inglês que pode ser feita pelo candidato.

e) Suplemento ao diploma ou certificado de notas por disciplina relativos à Licenciatura.

f) No caso de ser apresentado o certificado de notas por disciplina em vez do suplemento ao diploma, é necessária a respetiva tradução para inglês, que pode ser feita pelo candidato.

g) Deve ser apresentado também, se for possível, o percentil ou ranking da licenciatura (documento em que a média final do candidato é comparada com as médias finais obtidas pelos outros estudantes que terminaram o mesmo curso no mesmo ano) e respetiva tradução para inglês que pode ser feita pelo candidato.

h) Cópia do Regulamento da bolsa assinado e rubricado pelo candidato.

i) Os candidatos poderão ainda submeter cópias de trabalhos, artigos, livros, prémios, portfolios ou outros documentos que considerem relevantes.

Só serão consideradas as candidaturas que se encontrem completas dentro do prazo de candidatura. Esta informação não dispensa a leitura do Regulamento das Bolsas Fulbright para Investigação e das Instruções de Candidatura (Embark Instructions), disponíveis para download e a cujas disposições todos os candidatos se encontram vinculados.

Todos os pedidos de informação sobre esta bolsa devem ser enviados por email para

By |2017-12-19T15:26:49+00:00Dezembro 19th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em BOLSA FULBRIGHT PARA MESTRADO E DOUTORAMENTO | 2018-2019

CFP: ECREA 2018 – 7th European Communication Conference (ECC)

We warmly invite you to submit your abstract to the ECREA 7th European Communication Conference (ECC) to be held in Lugano, Switzerland, 31 October – 3 November 2018. The overarching conference theme is “Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation”.

The European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) in partnership with USI Università della Svizzera italiana call for proposals to be presented at the 7th European Communication Conference, to be held in Lugano, Switzerland, from 31 October to 3 November 2018.

The Conference has chosen the key theme of “Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation”. Organisers call for proposals that address the main conference theme and which relate to each ECREA Section, Network or Temporary Working Group.

Conference theme

This conference aims to analyse and to address the theme “Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation” in communication from a multiplicity of perspectives.

First, the conference examines the issues of “core” and “margins”, inviting scholars to stretch the boundaries of media and communication research as an academic discipline. We welcome presentation of research that seeks to take communication and media studies to new territories and new fields of application.

“Stretching” media and communication research means bringing attention to underdeveloped fields of research and bringing theories, approaches and methods from other academic fields and disciplines into view. Academic subjects previously not concerned with aspects of mediated communication now acknowledge the role of media and communication processes for their discipline. This is both a challenge and an opportunity for the future role and socio-cultural impact of media and communication research.

Second, the key conference theme of centres and peripheries means reconsidering geographical, cultural and linguistic borders or boundaries. Many areas of media and communication research have been dominated by American and European scholarship, but these traditions can learn methodological and theoretical insights coming, for example, from Asian, South American and African research. In this regard, as the subtitle of the conference emphasizing “translation” suggests, this also requires re-examination in the continual dominance of the English language in academic affairs. There is no doubt that the English language has become the lingua franca in the scientific community, allowing scholars from different countries to communicate and to access each other’s work. Nevertheless, the English language-centrality needs to be questioned and discussed in a plurilingual setting such as the Swiss context and, in particular, when findings in other languages are marginalized, considered
peripheral or less important. This is why special panels addressing this topic will be organised during the conference.

Reconsidering borders, however, goes beyond mere reflection and deals with the materiality of communication flows. In the present global context of migration and mobility, and where terms such as flow, mobility, multi-cultural, multi-perspective, transcultural, hybrid and fragmented are ubiquitous, the issue of what we consider as communicative centres and peripheries is highly important. We thus also invite contributions that focus on the stability and fragility of the concepts of “centre” and “periphery”. This topic addresses historical and spatial instability, understanding and explaining how certain physical or immaterial entities become centres – or peripheries – for certain issues in critical times (e.g., the Silicon Valley for technological innovation related to the Internet, online communication and network societies).

Third, the key concepts of centres and peripheries in communication are associated with economic and political power. Communication flows often go from rich (central) countries to poor (peripheral) ones. Within single countries distribution of resources are often unequal in terms of information and connectedness between privileged and unprivileged areas (e.g., urban peripheries and rural areas). People in disadvantaged areas are often excluded by flows, forms and practices of communication that are taken-for-granted in richer regions. In this regard, we also welcome contributions addressing European “divides”, exclusions or fights for inclusion from a communication perspective.

Submission and deadline

Proposals for individual papers, panels, and posters can be submitted to one of ECREA Sections, Temporary Working Groups and Networks through ECREA 2018 submission platform until 28 February 2018. Submission opens on 11 December 2017 on

Abstracts should be written in English and contain a clear outline of the argument, theoretical framework, and, where applicable, methodology and results. The maximum length of individual abstracts is 500 words. Panel proposals, which should consist of five individual contributions, combine a panel rationale with five panel paper abstracts, each of which shall be no more than 500 words.

Please note that participants can be nominated as the first (presenting) author in one accepted submission only. If more than one contribution with the same first (presenting) author is accepted, the participant stated as the first (presenting) author will be asked to decide which paper he/she wants to present. There is no restriction on the number of presentations where a conference participant is listed as co-author and participants can still act as chair or respondent of a panel.

All proposals must be submitted through the conference website until 28 February 2018. Early submission is strongly encouraged. Please note that this submission deadline will not be extended.

Abstracts will be published in a PDF Abstract Book. Full papers (optional) will be published via the conference submission system and available to registered attendants after logging into the system.

Please consult the guidelines for your submission on the conference website.


Submission system opens: 11 December 2017

Submission of paper and panel abstracts and posters: 28 February 2018

Notification of Acceptance: 7 May 2018

End of Early Bird Registration Fee: 31 August 2018

Presenters’ registration deadline: 15 September 2018

Deadline for submission of the full papers (optional): 1 October 2018

We are looking forward to your contribution. Should you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the ECREA 2018 Conference Secretariat at


By |2017-12-09T13:01:57+00:00Dezembro 9th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: ECREA 2018 – 7th European Communication Conference (ECC)

5th European Conference on Social Media

This is the final call for submissions to the 2nd Social Media in Practice Excellence Awards as part of the 5th European Conference on Social Media hosted by the Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland on the 21-22 June 2018.

If you have been involved in innovative social media applications in business and the public sector or other similar initiatives, we invite you to participate in this competition.

For more information, and to enter the competition see:

The judges will consider all submissions received by the 2nd January 2018 and the top 10 initiatives will be invited to present their cases at the conference in Limerick in June 2018.

A prize will be awarded to the initiative judged most innovative and effective.

Important Dates:

Social Media in Practice Awards Abstract Submission – 02 January 2018
Social Media in Practice Awards Notification of Abstract Acceptance – 13 January 2018
Social Media in Practice Awards Full Case History Submission – 22 February 2018
Social Media in Practice Awards Finalists announced – 03 April 2018

By |2017-11-29T14:20:21+00:00Novembro 29th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em 5th European Conference on Social Media
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