CFP: Symposium on journalism in multiplatform environments| Deadline: 14 August

The Professional Master of Science in Journalism from FIAM-FAAM University, São Paulo, will hold the 3rd International Symposium on Journalism in Multiplatform Environments between November 23th and 24th, 2017. The symposium is calling for abstracts.

The call states: “This year’s programming will focus on the journalism market and its expanding frontiers, as well as the changes  that are brought to production languages by the demand for multiple platforms. We look forward to having, during the two days of the symposium, discussions that focus on the fact that we are currently working on shaking grounds with well established processes going through a rearranging and revision process.”

Abstract deadline is 14 August. The symposium will be held 23-24 November 2017 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

More information on the ECREA mailing list post.

By |2017-06-29T13:32:32+00:00Junho 29th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: Symposium on journalism in multiplatform environments| Deadline: 14 August

CFP: Mediations in a post-truth era | Deadline: August 1st

The second Mediating the Real conference, entitled “Mediations in a post-truth era”, is calling for paper proposals. The conference will be hosted by the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, between 22nd and 24th of November 2017.

The event organisers especially invite contribution drawing from the works of Jacques Lacan and Jean Baudrillard. The organisers have provided the following, non-exhaustive list of suggested themes:

  • What does post-truth mean in the contemporary media saturated context?
  • A consideration of the increasingly banal use of ‘post-truth’ in news chatter and the implications of this for understandings of ‘truthful’ media
  • Where is the real located in this context?
  • What does the anguished / anxious response to ‘post truth’ tell us about contemporary subjectivity and sociality?
  • What do Baudrillard’s critical interventions tell us about the contemporary production of reality?

Paper abstracts are due by August 1st. Further information is available on the University of Otago website.

By |2017-06-29T13:37:43+00:00Junho 29th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: Mediations in a post-truth era | Deadline: August 1st

Call for special issue proposals – Journal of Alternative and Community Media| Deadline: June 30th, 2017

The Journal of Alternative and Community Media seeks proposals for a guest-edited special issue. The editors would be especially pleased to support a special issue addressing an emerging or topical theme within alternative and community media research.

A special issue should include six to eight full-length articles and guest editors may elect whether to conduct an open call or to invite submissions. The guest editors will receive manuscripts, assign double-blind peer reviewers, make decisions on manuscripts and correspond with lead authors, with assistance from the managing editor (Ben Green, as required. All manuscripts are subject to final approval from the general editors, Chris Atton and Susan Forde.

The deadline for proposals to edit a special issue of the Journal is June 30th, 2017 and the editors’ decision will be notified by July 31st. Proposals should include:
•       proposed special issue title;
•       names and affiliations of guest editors;
•       justification of the proposed theme with reference to existing literature and the journal’s objectives, including examples of topics that would be covered;
•       list of invited authors or relevant networks from which submissions will be sought;
•       proposed timeline to publication.

About the Journal

The Journal of Alternative and Community Media is published by Griffith University ePress with support from the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Community Communication and Alternative Media section and the Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research.

The Journal is guided by an esteemed international Editorial Advisory Board. Editors are Chris Atton (Edinburgh Napier University) and Susan Forde (Griffith University). Reviews Editors are Kerrie Foxwell-Norton (Griffith University), Arne Hintz (Cardiff University) and Claudia Magallenes- Blanco (Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla).

We encourage you to circulate this email among your networks.

By |2017-06-29T12:20:38+00:00Junho 29th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em Call for special issue proposals – Journal of Alternative and Community Media| Deadline: June 30th, 2017

CFP: for the Journalism Education and Research Association Australia 2017 conference | Deadline: 1 july 2017

A quick reminder that the call for papers closes on 1 July for the Journalism Education and Research Association Australia conference. The University of Newcastle, Australia is hosting the conference from 4-6 December. Here are the details on the conference theme but we are happy for submissions that relate to other areas of journalism education and research. We are inviting you to submit a paper, abstract or panel proposal.

The Second Coming of Journalism? Rebirth, resurrection, renewal, resistance, resurgence.

In a spirit of optimism, we would like to invite papers/abstracts/panels that explore, analyse and contest the idea of a resurging journalism and how that idea fits into the following themes:

* Truth in a post-truth world
* Fake news: opinions vs facts vs alternative facts
* Comedy and news: a marriage of convenience?
* Beyond the capitals: is the future of journalism in the regions?
* Advocacy journalism: collaboration for a community outcome
* How do we best prepare contemporary undergraduate and postgraduate

For further information on the call for papers, please visit the conference website

*Conference organisers*: Janet Fulton, Felicity Biggins, Paul Scott and Christina Koutsoukos.

*Conference email*: <>

We look forward to welcoming you to the University of Newcastle in December.

By |2017-06-29T12:19:06+00:00Junho 29th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: for the Journalism Education and Research Association Australia 2017 conference | Deadline: 1 july 2017

Lecturer in Communication at Bournemouth University

The School of Journalism, English and Communication (JEC) at Bournemouth University is seeking a Lecturer in Communication, as a full-time permanent role.

The focus of this post is on digital communication and media: and you will be involved in the delivery of units such as Web and Mobile Communication, Introduction to Communication Theory, Dissertation and Masters Projects. You will bring a strong academic profile to bear on practical learning, combined with an ability to innovate, for example running datalabs for journalism and communication students.

Job advert on BU website:

Direct link to job and person description:

Closing date:
Sunday, July 30, 2017 – midnight

For further information and discussion or the opportunity for an informal visit, please contact Dr Karen Fowler-Watt, Head of School of Journalism, English and Communication either by email at or telephone 01202 965129.

By |2017-06-29T12:15:56+00:00Junho 29th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em Lecturer in Communication at Bournemouth University

CFP: Safety of journalists covering conflict and sensitive issues Oslo and Akershus University College, Oslo, Norway 2 and 3 of November 2017| Deadline: August 10, 2017

An attack on a journalist is an attack on the freedom of expression. Silencing journalists happen through a variety of actions ranging from threats such as bullying and online harassment, restrictive policies and random detention, to the decisive act of censorship – death. Knowledge about journalists’ working conditions is important to improve the training of new journalists. Underlying relations, which may influence both the safety of journalists and their sources, for instance covering sensitive issues such as corruption, human rights, flight and migration are also of central importance to the broader picture. Combining practical experiences and academic research on safety can increase the understanding of the complex issue of safety of journalists.
The research group Media, War and Conflict at Oslo and Akershus University College, Oslo, Norway invites practitioners and researchers from different parts of the world with interest in and knowledge about threats and violence against journalists to participate.
The aim of the conference is to provide practical and theoretical perspectives on safety of journalists in conflict and challenging situations. Both mechanisms creating unsafe conditions, and possible strategies and solutions to will be discussed.

We invite papers with practical, theoretical, national or international perspectives that critically examine challenges related to the issue of safety of journalists, including, but not limited to issues such as – Education and training
–  Legal issues and policy making
–  Culture and gender
–  Working conditions and media production
–  Source protection and the digital era
–  Hate speech, defamation and libel
–  Impunity
–  Journalist roles and fixers
–  NGOs and the safety of journalists

The conference will take place in Oslo on 2 and 3 of November 2017 in connection with UNESCO’s International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists.

Speakers will be .
Professor Jackie Harrison, Chair of the Centre for Freedom of the Media, University of Sheffield
Álvaro Sierra Restrepo, journalist, trainer and editor, Colombia
Abeer Saady, Independent Media Consultant in the Middle East, journalist and educator
Victoria Fontan, Center Manager, Collaboration Center for Quality Learning in Humanitarian Action, Bioforce Institute in Lyon, France

Abstracts of maximum 250 words should be sent to before August 10, 2017. Please include your full name, institutional affiliation, and email.
There is no registration fee. The participants are expected to cover their own costs for travel and accommodation. A limited number of scholarships to cover flight and/or accommodation is available for Ph.D. students and researchers from low-income countries. Applications for scholarships should be submitted with the abstract.
The best papers will be considered for a forthcoming peer reviewed publication.

Roy Krøvel
Professor of journalism
HiOA/ Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences

By |2017-06-29T12:13:34+00:00Junho 29th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: Safety of journalists covering conflict and sensitive issues Oslo and Akershus University College, Oslo, Norway 2 and 3 of November 2017| Deadline: August 10, 2017

CFP: Estudos em Comunicação (Communication Studies ISSN -1646-4974) | Prazo: 3 de Novembro de 2017

A Estudos em Comunicação (Communication Studies ISSN -1646-4974), uma revista académica publicada pelo LabCom.IFP/Universidade da Beira Interior,  aceita submissões em regime de fluxo contínuo para o número de Dezembro, até 3 de Novembro de 2017. Os trabalhos podem ser escritos em Português, Inglês, Espanhol e Francês.

A principal linha editorial da revista está orientada para os conceitos de “cidadania” e “participação”, entendidos de um ponto de vista comunicacional, envolvendo processos e dispositivos de circulação de conhecimentos e formação de opinião no campo político e em áreas específicas de políticas públicas tais como saúde, educação, cultura, ciência, opinião pública, gênero e identidade.

Como exemplo de áreas de interesses prioritários encontram-se os seguintes: jornalismo e opinião pública; jornalismo cidadão, participativo e público; responsabilidade e accountability de instituições, governos e empresas; media e esfera pública; movimentos sociais nas áreas de meio ambiente, ciência, saúde, ecologia, cultura, identidade e gênero; media e partidos políticos; novas formas de participação online, métodos de análise da participação; democracia digital; media, deliberação e participação; comunicação comunitária, comunicação e desenvolvimento, políticas de reconhecimento e estudos comparativos de comunicação em diferentes contextos geográficos e culturais, entre outros.

Estudos em Comunicação pretende incluir várias abordagens, metodologias e linhas de pesquisa, definindo-se como uma revista de Ciências da Comunicação com um perfil interdisciplinar e aberta à pluralidade de métodos.

A revista publica artigos de investigação originais em Ciências da Comunicação, nomeadamente nas seguintes áreas:

  •     Jornalismo
  •     Comunicação Política
  •     Comunicação de Ciência
  •     Ciências da Informação
  •     Publicidade e Relações Públicas
  •     História da Comunicação
  •     Educação e Comunicação
  •     Novas Metodologias em Novos Contextos Mediáticos
  •     Sociologia da Comunicação
  •     Literacia Mediática
  •     Teorias da Comunicação
  •     Esfera Pública e Participação Política
  •     Comunicação e Cultura

Mais informações na página da Revista Estudos em Comunicação.

By |2017-06-26T09:53:58+00:00Junho 26th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: Estudos em Comunicação (Communication Studies ISSN -1646-4974) | Prazo: 3 de Novembro de 2017

CFP: Conferência Internacional de Estudos da Linguagem (CIELIN 2017) | Prazo: 30 setembro

A Conferência Internacional de Estudos da Linguagem (CIELIN 2017) acontece nos dias 16 a 20 de outubro de 2017 em Brasília. O evento,organizado pela Universidade de Brasília (UNB) e Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI), articula-se a partir das esferas da Educação (Linguística), Multiletramentos e Identidades. Os investigadores interessados em colaborar com trabalhos têm até 30 de setembro.

Eixo Temático

A ciência pensa a vida e, como tal, pensar sobre a vida não elimina pensar em vida. É um engodo criar um espaço estratosférico para a vida da ciência, pois sem o oxigênio vital que nos cerca podemos parar de respirar e de nos alimentar da vida (aliás, não é este o objeto maior da ciência?). Pensar sobre indica distanciamento; pensar em indica o mergulho. No entanto, ambas as posições comungam no pensar: não há como excluir ramos de uma mesma teia (Rajagopalan, 2003, p. 13).

Iniciamos a apresentação da 1ª Conferência Internacional de Estudos da Linguagem com a fala de Kanavillil Rajagopalan, ilustre estudioso cujas contribuições, em âmbito nacional e internacional aos estudos da linguagem, são deveras relevantes.

A essência do evento coaduna com o estudioso no que tange à sensatez em atrelar o conhecimento científico às questões da vida e da sociedade. Pontuamos aqui o maior objetivo da CIELIN: reunir as reflexões de estudiosos e pesquisadores conscientes de suas posições como agentes da convergência entre a experiência e o pensar, a teoria e a prática, o conhecimento científico e as relações sociais.

Dessa forma, a CIELIN  articula-se a partir do trinômio que empresta o título ao evento: Educação (Linguística), Multiletramentos e Identidades. Espera-se que a CIELIN reúna debates, discussões e trocas epistemológicas entre graduandos e pós-graduandos nos estudos da linguagem e áreas afins, professores de educação básica da rede pública e privada, além de pesquisadores nacionais e internacionais. Todos estes terão a oportunidade de aderir suas reflexões a uma, ou mais, das seguintes temáticas:

  • (Multi)Letramentos;
  • Tecnologia e Linguagem;
  • Educação (Inter)cultural;
  • Plurilinguismo;
  • Ensino-Aprendizagem de Língua(s);
  • Educação Docente;
  • Linguagem, Discurso e Sociedade;
  • Identidade(s) e Subjetividades;
  • Ética; Estudos dos Gêneros;
  • Tradução;
  • Materiais Didáticos;
  • Multimodalidade;
  • Sociolinguística e Políticas Linguísticas.

O resultado das atividades realizadas no evento, e os trabalhos (com)partilhados, serão divulgados através de uma publicação visando ao benefício de toda a comunidade académica. Portanto, estendemos o convite a todos aqueles que se interessam pelas temáticas propostas para juntar-se a nós nesta ocasião que será, indubitavelmente, profícua e propulsora de novos intercâmbios académico-científicos.

Mais informações na página do CIELIN 2017.

By |2017-06-26T09:48:26+00:00Junho 26th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: Conferência Internacional de Estudos da Linguagem (CIELIN 2017) | Prazo: 30 setembro

CFP: MediaTropes special issue, “Oil and Media, Oil as Media” | Deadline: August 31, 2017

One need not look far to see the ways that oil and its infrastructures mediate contemporary cultural and material experience. Highways, along with the vehicles that populate them, proliferate among rural and urban landscapes. Newsmedia, both online and off, overflow with headlines discussing the global economics and geopolitics of oil on the one hand, and oil spills and other ecological consequences of the production and consumption of oil on the other. And, no matter how much we may collectively desire otherwise, we continue to remain within the confines of a society primarily organized around the production and consumption of oil and other fossil fuels–within the confines of what has come to be understood as petroculture (LeMenager 2014). Yet, for all its ubiquity, thinking through the nuanced (and, of course, much less nuanced) ways in which oil mediates contemporary life is a daunting task. Previously left largely to the economists, engineers, and political scientists, the study of oil has only very recently been opened up as a space of inquiry for cultural critics, despite its mediating role in contemporary life and its ubiquitous presence in visible and less visible ways.

With an increasingly accelerated pace, work that examines oil from a social and cultural vantage-point has carved a path for confronting the ways in which oil shapes. 2012 saw the publication of a special issue of the Journal of American Studies on oil cultures, edited by Ross Barrett and Daniel Worden as well as a special issue of Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies, “Sighting Oil,” edited by Sheena Wilson and Andrew Pendakis. These issues examine oil’s social and cultural life, positioning it as a social relation rather than an exclusively technical or technological one by examining oil’s material and cultural presences and residues in, for instance, documentaries (Szeman 2012), film (Worden 2012), and photography (Truscello 2012). And work that traces the material relationship between energy and digital media, including Jussi Parikka’s A Geology of Media (2015) and Benjamin Bratton’s The Stack (2016), are beginning to map our simultaneously petroleum-fueled, cloud-based present.

Oil and its infrastructures, then, are both mediating and mediated. This special issue of Media Tropes aims to contribute the burgeoning field of the energy humanities by providing accounts of the ways in which oil (and its infrastructures)mediatesand is mediated.

What ways can or is oil typically represented as a mediating presence or as an object that is mediated? How is oil (trans)formed in media within an increasingly interconnected and globalized Western society? How have various forms of media mediated the cultural construction of oil and oil-related events in the Western social imaginary? How has the emergence and development of social media altered the promotion of oil and/ or its counter-discourses? If we consider media itself as a kind of language, what does oil look like through a particular media’s “language” or what political, social, and/or cultural language is created with the combination of oil and media? How do feminist perspectives alter our understanding of energy in the media? In what ways can or does media and/or investigating media trends impact the cultural, social and political production of energy in the future? What different ways do various forms of media currently envision the future of energy?

We invite contributions from scholars studying oil and energy in diverse fields including but not limited to cultural studies, mobility studies, gender and sexuality studies, energy humanities, technoculture studies, petroculture studies, and environmental studies. We are interested in original work in a variety of formats including scholarly articles, creative works, book reviews, and multimedia works in English or French. Possible topics include media in relation to oil and/or the mediation of oil in one or more of the following areas:

Gender and sexuality and/or feminist perspectives
Indigenous and/or colonial politics of oil
Political economy
Film, art, photography, or other visual rhetoric
Labour relations
Social media
Advertising and promotional media
Spills, spectacle, and/or slow and fast violence
Mainstream media
Climate change
Real or imagined constructions of oil
History of oil or other forms of energy
Envisioning change
Energy futures

MediaTropes,, is a peer-reviewed, transdisciplinary Open Access journal addressing the figures of culture, technology, and media/mediation, broadly construed. We are a non-commercial journal run by volunteers and copyright belongs to the author, your work is yours. Our most recent special issue is titled, “War and Intelligence,” and we invite you to explore it; our forthcoming issue is titled, “Indigenous Matters: Cultures, Technologies, Mediations.” We are indexed widely and receive some 30,000 hits per month globally. Finally, MediaTropes is one of three Open Access journals honoured “for their mission of fostering positive, democratic change around the world” by the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy.

Proposals, due on August 31, 2017, should be between 300 and 500 words. All proposals, and any further inquiries, should be sent by email to Jordan Kinder ( <>) and/or Lucie Stepanik ( <>).

By |2017-06-25T18:10:31+00:00Junho 25th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: MediaTropes special issue, “Oil and Media, Oil as Media” | Deadline: August 31, 2017

CFP: Mediating the Real 2: Mediations in a ‘Post Truth’ Era | Deadline: 1st August 2017

Please note we have *extended the deadline for abstracts *for the conference MEDIATING THE REAL 2: MEDIATIONS IN A POST-TRUTH ERA featuring keynoted from *Kim Toffoletti* and *Laurie J. Ouellette*. Please submit an abstract for consideration by 1^st August 2017. Also note we have *postgraduate bursaries *available and encourage PhD and MA students to contribute their ideas and work.
A conference at the University of Otago 22nd – 24th November 2017

Presented by The Performance of the Real Research Theme and the Department of Media, Film and Communication

Keynote speakers:
Dr Kim Toffoletti (Deakin University) & Dr Laurie J. Ouellette (University of Minnesota)

‘Post-truth’ has become a buzzword in the last year generating think-pieces and SNS chatter lamenting ‘truth’ as a lost object that has enabled and / or smuggled in events like Brexit and the election of Donald Trump. With this discussion, comes a broader demonstration of anxiety that a true ‘real’ (world, political sphere, social …) has been either lost or obscured. The responsibility for this loss or obscurance has fallen firmly at the feet of ‘the media’ (as well as the so-called postmodernists).

This conference asks and unpacks the interactions of (post) truth, the ‘real’ and contemporary media.

Building on and following from the success of Mediating the Real ‘1’, we encourage critically informed approaches – particularly drawing from the work of Lacan. However, this time too, we invite scholars engaged with Jean Baudrillard’s prolific engagement in these matters.

Papers might ask but are not limited to:

* What does post-truth mean in the contemporary media saturated context?
* A consideration of the increasingly banal use of ‘post-truth’ (as OED word of the year 2016) in news chatter and the implications of  this for understandings of ‘truthful’ media
* Where is the real located in this context? This might be through considerations of the Lacanian real and the possibilities for
subjectivity and sociality – particularly in terms of the potential to build social bonds within the ‘discourse of capitalism’
* What does the anguished / anxious response to ‘post truth’, particularly in popular and social media, tell us about contemporary
subjectivity and sociality?
* What do Baudrillard’s critical interventions tell us about the contemporary production of reality?

Postgraduate bursary:
A number of travel and registration bursaries will be available for postgraduate students. These will be allocated on the basis of the merit of submitted abstracts. We *highly encourage *postgraduate researchers to submit their work for consideration.

Key information:
Organisers and contacts:*Dr Brett Nicholls ( and Dr Rosemary Overell ( <>
Abstract information: *please email <> a 250-500 word abstract and 150 word biography by *1^st August 2017*.

Registration: *$95 (casual / sessional workers and postgraduates) and $225 (academic and waged workers) – includes cocktail function, lunches and teas
Dinner: * $60
Venue: *Richardson, 6^th floor, Room 4 North

More info:

Rosemary Overell
Media, Film and Communication
The University of Otago
New Zealand

By |2017-06-25T18:04:02+00:00Junho 25th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: Mediating the Real 2: Mediations in a ‘Post Truth’ Era | Deadline: 1st August 2017
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