CfP: Visual Online Communication in BRICS countries

This special section of China Media Research invites scholars from a broad range of disciplines to submit manuscripts on the theme of “Visual Online Communication in the BRICS Countries”. Visual Online Content here refers to imagery, GIFs, emoticons, pictures and other visual means that accompany text in an online environment, non inclusive of the audiovisual content and moving images. Despite the increasing prominence of visual online content on social media such as WeChat, Weibo, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as traditional mass media websites across the BRICS countries, comparative academic studies focused on visual content are scarce. Recent discussions focused on plurality of emoticons such as hijabs, or emoticons with different facial color. Despite discussions in the public sphere, there is a lack of cross-cultural studies looking at the differences in imagery. This call for submissions therefore hopes to fill this research desiderate.
Arguably, a lack of visual communication research in the BRICS countries is attributed to the prevalent Western tradition in communication research. This special section serves to overcome the dominance of Western approaches in visual communications research.

Following these considerations, scholars are invited to submit their original manuscripts that address the following topics, among others:
– Comparative studies of visual online content from the BRICS countries,
including at least one BRICS country as comparative country;
– Content or discourse analysis of journalistic visual content,
advertisements, PR and political communication visual content and social web visual content in the BRICS countries;
– Research on use of emoticons in the BRICS countries;

Both qualitative and quantitative approaches investigating visual online content in the BRICS’ countries are welcome. Submissions must not have been previously published nor be under consideration by another publication. An extended abstract (up to 1,000 words) or a complete paper at the first stage of the reviewing process will be accepted. All the submissions must be received by May 26, 2017. If the extended abstract is accepted, the complete manuscript must be received by August 13, 2017. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the APA publication manual (6th edition) and should not exceed 8,000 words including tables and references. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed, and the authors will be notified of the final acceptance/rejection decision. Please visit
for more information about the quarterly journal of China Media Research, which publishes
both print and online versions.
Please direct questions and submissions to the CMR special section guest editor Maria Faust at

By |2017-04-06T10:53:46+00:00Abril 6th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CfP: Visual Online Communication in BRICS countries

CFP: Digitalising Early Childhood Conference internacional conference with Professor Sonia Livingstone | Deadline: 18^th April 2017

The call for papers for the Digitalising Early Childhood Conference (Perth Australia, 11^th – 15^th Sept, 2017) has been extended by two weeks until the 18^th April 2017.

Accepted papers will be published in the refereed proceedings of the Digitising Early Childhood Conference 2017.  Selected papers will be included in an edited book and special journal issue. For further details and submissions follow the links below.

*The conference*
Contemporary 0-8 year olds are inventing what it is to have a digital childhood, and in doing so are introducing families, schools and policy makers to new ways of thinking, doing and being.  This conference constructs a research trajectory through these uncertainties and also aims to build bridges across the different discipline interests and many strands of research in this area.  It will forge a new way forward and consolidate the base of what we already know, revealing what we have yet to investigate and address.

*Keynote Speakers*
Professor Sonia Livingstone

Professor Jackie Marsh
Dr Donell Holloway

Dr Brian O’Neill
Professor Lelia Green

Professor Caroline Barrett-Pugh
Ass. Professor Tama Leaver

*Abstracts*(350 words) and panel proposals (90 minutes) should be forwarded to<> by 18^th April 2017

This conference welcomes papers that address the broadest possible construction of early childhood and the digital.  There will be some publication opportunities and refereed outputs. Topics may include, but are by no means restricted to, the following:
•     Digitisation of early childhood education
•     Literacies at home and school
•     Research methods with very young children
•     Policies, regulations and guidelines
•     Children and their data
•     Parenting the digital child
•     Children’s culture
•     Cultural difference and digital children
•     Risks and benefits
•     Changing discourses of childhood
•     Privacy, security and children’s rights
•     Designing digital experiences for children
•     The child in the digital public sphere
•     Online activism and children
•     Gendering (or not) the digital child

*Conference Location:* Perth, Western Australia; 11th – 15th September 2017
Web: <>
Email: <>

By |2017-04-06T10:50:59+00:00Abril 6th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: Digitalising Early Childhood Conference internacional conference with Professor Sonia Livingstone | Deadline: 18^th April 2017

CFP: ‘Digital Economies of Disability’ special issue of ICS

edited by Haiqing Yu (UNSW), Gerard Goggin (Sydney), Karen Fisher (UNSW), and Bingqin Li (UNSW)

This special issue aims to bring together original research papers from a diversified range of disciplines in disability studies, media and communication studies, social policy research, economic anthropology, and sociology to explore pragmatic and innovative ways to provide and enable equal economic, social and political opportunities for people with disabilities, from a comparative framework. It seeks to examine the opportunities for economic participation of people with disabilities enabled by digital and social media technologies and their political and social implications on respective communities and societies.

It is known that digital economy is developing rapidly and unevenly worldwide. It heralds a transformative force in creating digital entrepreneurs and driving future economy. Digital entrepreneurship is seen as core to digital economy in that it can lead to economic growth, job creation, and social innovation. National governments, civil society organizations, and disability activists have considered digital technologies (represented by computers, the Internet, and smart phones) potentially useful in improving the life quality and life-chances for people with disabilities and in bringing about social inclusion for all people, particularly in health care, education, and employment.

Efforts have been made to remove barriers of access to technologies, skill trainings and acquisition that are friendly to users with disability. Assistant programs are also implemented to ease the financial burden to access and acquire these technologies by people with disabilities. However, access to technologies (digital inclusion) does not equate with social inclusion. There is a long way to go before digital technologies can successfully impact on the lives of people with disabilities, as suggested by Goggin and Newell (2003).

In the context of digital and networked world, we ask questions such as:

* Can digital inclusion lead to social inclusion, particularly for
people with disabilities?
* What are the power structure, hierarchy, struggle, and appropriation
implied in the rise of digital economy for and by disability?
* What can be done by people (with or without disabilities),
governments, the private sector, and civil society organisations to
address the structural barriers to social and economic inclusion
(not just digital inclusion) by utilizing digital and networking
* Will digital economy and digital entrepreneurship present an
opportunity to address social inequality and contradictions?

The current economic slowdown/crisis calls for innovative and pragmatic approaches to solve social problems, approaches that can strike a balance between economic and social development. Social entrepreneurship that leverage digital technologies to create opportunities to address social issues, for example, may offer a new pathway of employment and enablement for people with disabilities and other traditionally disadvantaged groups of people. Digital social entrepreneurs with disabilities and for disabilities are part of a bigger structure and a key stakeholder in the digital social economy.

Born of necessity, social economy has increasingly employed digital technologies and platforms to achieve efficiency, transparency, and optimum results in achieving social missions and social impact through economic activities. Will social economy for and of people with disabilities through digital means be an answer to tackle barriers for people with disability to be more actively members of society and enabling people to achieve collective social goals, and ultimately enhance social justice?

This special issue welcomes critical case analyses of digital economy by and for disability and its implications for digital and social inclusion for people with disabilities from all walks of life. It is hoped that this special issue will generate scholarly interests from a wide range of geographical and disciplinary areas to explore innovative approaches to and opportunities for people with disabilities to achieve agency, social recognition, economic security, and political participation, through enterprising and digital means.


Abstract submission: 31 July 2017. Please send a 500-word abstract and 100-word author bio to the 1^st -named guest editor: Haiqing Yu (

Invitation to submit full papers: by mid-August 2017

Full paper submission: by 01 February 2018

Expected date of publication: January 2019

By |2017-04-06T10:46:47+00:00Abril 6th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: ‘Digital Economies of Disability’ special issue of ICS

EJTA’s teachers’ conference in Moscow (October 19-20, 2017)

On October 19-20, 2017 the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University will host *European Journalism Training Association’s teacher’s conference. *

The topic of the conference is /”Journalism education across borders”./

/General topics and questions for discussion:/
* Crossing academic borders: how to bring together academic and professional demands?
* Crossing geographical borders: how to stimulate the mobility of students (higher and mid-career education)?
* Crossing ideological borders: how to contribute to depolarization within society and on a global level?
* Crossing social borders: how to represent all groups in the society?
* Crossing competence borders: how to teach hybrid competences?
* Crossing educational borders: how to adapt curricula to changing professional realities?
* Crossing professional borders: how to respond to non-professional journalism?

The conference will also feature a Russian-language section devoted to journalism education in Russia and CIS countries: its current state, challenges and trends.

Deadline for submitting abstract and registration is *July 25, 2017.*

More information can be found in the attached information letter. We would be grateful if you share this information with those who might be interested.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Local Organizing Committee at <>, by phone +7 (495) 629 52 76  or in person (Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, room 107).

By |2017-04-06T10:45:04+00:00Abril 6th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em EJTA’s teachers’ conference in Moscow (October 19-20, 2017)

CFP: International Symposium “Women in Iberian Cinema” University of Lisbon School of Arts and Humanities Lisbon, Portugal, 11-12 September, 2017

The call for papers is now open for the International Symposium ‘Women in Iberian Cinema’, an interdisciplinary event organized by the research group ‘Cinema and the World – Studies on Space and Cinema’, to be held at the Centre for Comparative Studies in the University of Lisbon School of Arts and Humanities, Lisbon, Portugal, on 11^and 12 September 2017.
Women have always occupied a peripheral position within the world of film. While female characters, particularly protagonists, are scarce, and women’s subjects tend to be framed through a male gaze, significant contributions made by women to film production and criticism are often dismissed and/or underrepresented in film canons, historical archives and official narratives. For instance, according to the “Celluloid Ceiling” report conducted by the Centre for the Study of Women in Television and Film at San Diego State University, USA, only 4% of the 100 highest earning movies in 2016 were directed by women, and 29% were led by female characters.
Despite the international visibility of filmmakers including Isabel Coixet, Iciar Bollaín and Teresa Villaverde, to name but a few, in Spain, barely 8% of the films produced every year are directed by women. In Portugal, only 40 feature-films were directed by women between 1946 and 2009: that is less than one film per year. Focused on the cinemas of Portugal and Spain, this symposium aims to bring together researchers from different disciplines working on women and their status in relation to any aspect of Iberian cinemas. Our aim is to launch a debate about the position of women in cinema that draws insight and at the same time contributes to study fields as varied as Film Studies, Comparative Studies, Cultural Studies, Feminist Studies, Queer Studies and Postcolonial Studies.
This symposium will contribute to expanding debates about the position of women in the cinemas of Portugal and Spain through a revision of feminist and postfeminist theory, as well as new accounts of film history. It also aims to promote comparisons between Iberian cinemas from all regions, a topic that is almost unexplored in academia, despite the similar histories of the two countries, particularly throughout the twentieth century.
We welcome proposals for 20-minute presentations and/or pre-constituted panels of max. 3 speakers. The event’s working languages will be English, Portuguese and Spanish. Early-career researchers are especially encouraged to apply. Topics may include (but are not limited to):
·Female characters, subjects and representations in specific regional, national and/or transnational contexts;
·Gender and genre in the cinemas of Portugal and Spain;
·The role of women in the film industry, from early to contemporary cinema;
·Case studies of women directors, producers, screenwriters and below-the-line staff;
·Female stars in Portugal and Spain;
·Feminist and postfeminist approaches to film studies in different eras;
·Women and censorship, propaganda, or politics more generally.
Please send 300-word abstracts and a brief biographical note to the organizers, Elena Cordero and Mariana Liz, to by 9 June 2017. The symposium will also include a roundtable on women in Portuguese cinema, with guest directors, producers and programmers. More details will be available soon at

By |2017-04-06T10:43:38+00:00Abril 6th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: International Symposium “Women in Iberian Cinema” University of Lisbon School of Arts and Humanities Lisbon, Portugal, 11-12 September, 2017

CFP: 3rd Biennial Philosophy of Communication Conference

The 3rd Biennial Philosophy of Communication Conference will be held June 5–7, 2017, at the Duquesne University Power Center in Pittsburgh, PA.

The theme for this year’s conference centers on the Catholic Intellectual Tradition with keynote speakers addressing four content areas: (1) Philosophy of Communication and Narrative Ground, (2) Philosophy of Communication, History, and Institutions, (3) Philosophy of Communication and Community, and (4) Philosophy of Communication, Culture, and Mission.

As always, we also welcome papers outside of these content themes that address philosophy of communication.

The conference features an invited speaker for each area:

-Christopher Lutz: Philosophy of Communication and Narrative Ground

-Fr. Francis Njoku: Philosophy of Communication, Culture, and Mission

-Janie Harden Fritz: Philosophy of Communication, History, and Institutions

-Algis Mickunas: Philosophy of Communication and Community

Papers: We invite abstracts of 200–500 words or completed papers of a maximum of 30 pages, including references. Submissions should be double-spaced. Any citation style is permitted (e.g., MLA, APA, Chicago).

Panel Proposals: Panel proposals may include up to five participants. Please include a title page with a 500-word (maximum) rationale and 200-word abstract for each presentation.

Send all submissions to by April 15, 2017.


Fees for conference registration include two evening receptions with hors d’oeuvres, Tuesday lunch, and Wednesday full breakfast buffet.




Please fill out the registration form here:(

Please find the online payment and registration form here:

QuikPAY(R) Enter Payment Amount –<>
Please enter in the amount you want to pay and click “Continue” button.

For more information and ongoing updates on the conference, please visit our website or contact the conference planners conference directors (Ronald C. Arnett, Janie Harden Fritz, or Craig T. Maier) or graduate student coordinators (Susan Mancino, Father Lazarus Langbiir, and Justin Bonanno) at or 412-396-6446. For more details, please visit

By |2017-04-06T10:41:06+00:00Abril 6th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: 3rd Biennial Philosophy of Communication Conference

CfP: “Digital Media, Political Polarization and Challenges to Democracy”

An International Symposium organized by the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Alpen-Adria University (Maren Beaufort, Josef Seethaler) and the Centre for Political Youth Culture and Communication, Department of Sociology, University of York (Brian D. Loader)

21-22 September 2017 / Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna

Public Lecture:

W. Lance Bennett (Department of Political Science, University of Washington)

Keynote Speakers:

Michael X. Delli-Carpini (Annenberg School of Communication, University of Pennsylvania)

Jörg Matthes (Department of Communication, University of Vienna)

Barbara Pfetsch (Institute for Media and Communication Studies, Free University of Berlin)

The Viennese conference intends to bring together experts from the fields of media and communication studies, politics and linguistics to explore the role of the media in today’s polarized social climate, fueled by growing political distrust, confusion, and conflict, which seem to shake the democratic system to its foundations. The symposium aims at discussing not only the causes and developments that led to the current state of society, but also proposals for citizens, journalists and politicians for how to manage the current move away from the established structures of representative democracy – with their group-based identities and mainstream issues – towards a wider repertoire of personalized political experience and individually motivated concerns in a digitally networked society. Special emphasis will be paid to comparative research across time and space.

Please send a PDF of your proposal (8,000 characters including spaces) to <> no later than April 9, 2017. For more information see:

By |2017-04-06T10:39:28+00:00Abril 6th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CfP: “Digital Media, Political Polarization and Challenges to Democracy”

CFP – II International Congress on TIC and Social Movements <>* aims to establish itself as an academic forum to share theoretical analysis and ideas in order to understand the social implications of ICTs. We are interested in subjects ranging from the experiences and practices of individual activists and collectives of social transformation to social uses of technology, as well as particular projects based on the idea of technological appropriation in order to promote emancipation.

For the 2017 * <>* edition we would welcome papers on the following topics:

_Technological Sovereignty_: Which are the risks and threats for social movements of using technologies made by oligopolistic companies? What dangers does surveillance on behalf of  governments and large corporations have for activists? Which will be the challenges faced by initiatives promoting the autonomous development of technological tools by social movements? Is it worth using disruptive technologies despite their risks?

_Digital Rights:_ How should we understand copyright in the new digital world? Is it possible to reconcile the remuneration of authors with the ease of digital copies? How can the industry adapt to the new digital environment? Do intellectual property rights present a threat to digital networks? To what extent should governments legislate on this matter? In what sense? Should access be considered a new civil right?

_Ciberactivism_: Are exclusively virtual actions effective? How can they complement actions in physical space? Which kind of relationships can be observed between classic and virtual activism? Which innovations on the physical sphere can be translated into cyberactivist practice?

_Digital Democracy_: How can NTICs enlarge participation and improve democracy? Can they worsen the situation through finer propaganda techniques? Does digital democracy ease the dissemination of populist discourses? Which are the risks associated to digital participation? How can political representation and participation via information and communication technologies complement each other?

_Open Data_: Are there enough transparency laws at work at an international level? Can open data be used to enforce citizen control over government action? To what extent must confidentiality be maintained ? Are leaks of information classified as secret legitimate in certain cases (wikileaks, Snowden, Falcini …)? Can digital networks help citizens in monitoring their governments or are they only agents of surveillance?

_Digital Culture and Collective Memory_: Which are the cultural referents of cyberactivist practice on the Internet? What is the relationship between mass culture and popular culture on new digital environments? How does the Internet contribute to maintain the collective memory of social movements? Is there a risk that such memory can be censored when using commercial services?

_Mass Media on the Internet_: How do conventional and new media relate to each other? Do the former still dominate the media landscape, setting the agenda and determining public discourse? To what extent can new media influence public opinion? What is the role of traditional journalism in relation to citizen journalism? What is journalists’ role in the new, saturated informative environment?

_Videoactivism_: Which are the dicoursive features of digital videoactivism? How does it contribute to social change? What contradictions lie in videoactivist practice? Is it a question of form or content?

Complete papers (15-25 pages) should be sent before June, 15th, 2017 to (José Candón, University of Seville) and will be read during the Congress at the Faculty of Communication (University of Seville) on 25, 26 and 27 October 2017. Papers will be published in a book of proceedings after undergoing a blind peer-review process under the direction of the scientific committee.

More info at:


By |2017-04-06T10:37:39+00:00Abril 6th, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP – II International Congress on TIC and Social Movements

CFP: Special issue on “Radio on the Borders” – Logos Journal, UERJ, Brazil | Deadline: April 30, 2017

“Radio on the Borders – Cartographies of Community, Free and Alternative Broadcasting”

Radio – now reconfigured by digitization processes that, on the one hand, stimulate business concentration and, on the other, offer breaches for the emergence of new actors – has been the object of growing academic interest in many countries, but there is a lack of knowledge concerning social mediation exercised by community, free and/or alternative radios, mainly in the Ibero-American context.

Open access Logos Journal, edited by the Postgraduate Program in Communication of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGCom/UERJ) and indexed by DOAJ and Latindex, invite colleagues to submit theoretical and/or empirical research contributions, upon the production, circulation and consumption of radiophonic content on the margins of the sound broadcasting industry.

Articles may focus (but should not be limited to) the following topics:

• Regulatory, juridical uncertainties and the impacts of public policies faced by broadcasters operating with and without legal authorization;
• Plurality and diversity of voices in the radio developed at the borders of the sound broadcasting industry;
• New formats, languages ​​and aesthetic experiences in the scope of alternative, popular and/or community radio and sound media;
• History and memory of alternative, popular and/or community broadcasting in Brazil and in other countries;
• Case studies and audience research on alternative, popular and/or community radio experiences in both radio waves and digital platforms

Deadline: April 30, 2017

Articles must be up to 6.500 words and submitted in Portuguese, Spanish or English, through the website: Please consult the guidelines for authors.

Logos Journal

Editors: Márcio de Souza Gonçalves, Patrícia Rebello and Sonia Virgínia Moreira
Dossier editor: Marcelo Kischinhevsky and Sonia Virgínia Moreira


Llamada de trabajos – Revista Logos – 1ª edición 2017

Dossier “Radio en los bordes – Cartografía de la radiodifusión comunitaria, libre y alternativa”

Revista Logos, publicación de acceso libre del Programa de Estudios de Posgrado en Comunicación de la Universidad del Estado de Río de Janeiro (PPGCom/UERJ) indexada en DOAJ y Latindex, invita a los investigadores a presentar artículos para la edición de enero-abril de 2017, vol. 24, no. 1, que traerá el dossier temático “Radio en los bordes – Cartografías de la radiodifusión comunitaria y alternativa libre”. Se aceptarán contribuciones inéditas, teóricas y/o resultantes de investigación empírica, que vengan a ofrecer reflexiones sobre la producción, circulación y consumo de contenidos de radio que se producen en los márgenes de la industria de la radiodifusión. La radio – ahora reconfigurada por los procesos de digitalización que, por un lado, estimulan la concentración empresarial y, por otro, abren paso para el surgimiento de nuevos actores – ha sido objeto de creciente interés académico, pero se quedan brechas en la construcción del conocimiento, especialmente en relación con la mediación social ejercida por las estaciones de radio comunitarias, libres y/o alternativas en el contexto iberoamericano. Tendrán una atención especial en este dossier temas tales como:

• La incertidumbre regulatoria, la inseguridad jurídica y el impacto de las políticas públicas que se enfrentan los emisores de radiodifusión que operan con y sin autorización legal;
• La pluralidad y diversidad de voces en la radio que crece en los bordes de la industria de la radiodifusión;
• Nuevos formatos, idiomas y experiencias estéticas desarrolladas en el contexto de la comunicación comunitaria, alternativa y/o popular de radio y otros medios sonoros;
• Historia y memoria de la radiodifusión alternativa, popular y/o comunitaria en Brasil y en el mundo;
• Los estudios de casos y las investigaciones de la audiencia en el marco de la radio comunitaria, alternativa y/o popular, tanto en las ondas de radio como en plataformas digitales

Fecha: 30 de abril, 2017

Se aceptan contribuciones en portugués, español o inglés, a través del sítio: Le rogamos observar las directrices para los autores.

Revista Logos

Editores: Márcio de Souza Gonçalves, Patrícia Rebello e Sonia Virgínia Moreira
Editores invitados para el dossier: Marcelo Kischinhevsky y Sonia Virgínia Moreira


Chamada de trabalhos – Revista Logos – 1ª edição de 2017

Dossiê “Rádio nas bordas – Cartografias da radiodifusão comunitária, livre e alternativa”

A Revista Logos, vinculada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (PPGCom/UERJ) e avaliada no Qualis/Capes no estrato B1, convida pesquisadores a participar de chamada de trabalhos para a edição de janeiro-junho de 2017, v. 24, n. 1, que trará o dossiê temático “Rádio nas bordas – Cartografias da radiodifusão comunitária, livre e alternativa”. Serão aceitas contribuições inéditas, teóricas e/ou resultantes de pesquisa empírica, que ofereçam reflexões sobre a produção, a circulação e o consumo de conteúdos radiofônicos que se dão às margens da indústria da radiodifusão sonora. A radiofonia – hoje reconfigurada por processos de digitalização que, de um lado, acirram a concentração empresarial e, de outro, oferecem brechas para o surgimento de novos atores – vem sendo objeto de crescente interesse acadêmico, mas restam lacunas na construção de conhecimento sobretudo em relação à mediação social exercida pelas rádios comunitárias, livres e/ou alternativas no contexto ibero-americano. Terão especial atenção no presente dossiê tópicos como:

·As incertezas regulatórias, a insegurança jurídica e os impactos das políticas públicas enfrentados pelas emissoras que operam com e sem autorização legal;
·Pluralidade e diversidade de vozes na radiofonia que se desenvolve nas bordas da indústria da radiodifusão sonora;
·Novos formatos, linguagens e experiências estéticas desenvolvidos no âmbito da comunicação alternativa, popular e/ou comunitária em rádio e mídia sonora;
·História e memória da radiodifusão alternativa, popular e/ou comunitária no Brasil e no mundo;
·Estudos de casos e pesquisas de audiência sobre experiências de comunicação radiofônica alternativa, popular e/ou comunitária, tanto em ondas hertzianas quanto em plataformas digitais

Submissões devem ser enviadas até *30 de abril de 2017*, em português, espanhol ou inglês, através do endereço eletrônico: Pedimos a gentileza de observar as diretrizes para os autores.

Revista Logos

Editores: Márcio de Souza Gonçalves, Patrícia Rebello e Sonia Virgínia Moreira
Editores do dossiê: Marcelo Kischinhevsky e Sonia Virgínia Moreira

By |2017-04-03T22:49:38+00:00Abril 3rd, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: Special issue on “Radio on the Borders” – Logos Journal, UERJ, Brazil | Deadline: April 30, 2017

CFP: June 2017 Vol 3, No 10 of Journal of Media Critiques | Deadline: June 01, 2017

We invite you all to participate in the next issues of Journal of Media Critiques <> by submitting articles related to any communication, media, information studies. JMC is no longer a thematic journal, JMC will have 2 regular issues in a year as December and June issues. Also we kindly invite you all to cooperate in special issues. In this sense, our aim is to implement improvements during the transformation of media/communication or while investigating within the field of communication. In the case of communication and media studies in particular, we would rather include those carried out in a subject, in a group of subjects or in a whole degree from the scientific and technological area.

Through JMC we would like to create an open access scientific journal to exchange and disseminate any contribution that may involve communication and media studies so as to achieve a more significant research for our colleagues at scientific and technological universities. Hence, our readers could use such proposals as a model to be applied and/or adopted in their own contexts. In fact, we have a special interest in receiving articles related to experiences that imply a methodological change (when compared with a more traditional approach) and encourage or motivate developing new theoritical and practical theories.

We include here examples of some possible topics for the forthcoming JMC issue (but not limited to):

• Children, Adolescents and the Media
• Communication and Technology
• Communication History
• Communication Law and Policy
• Communication Science and Biology
• Computational Methods
• Environmental Communication
• Ethnicity and Race in Communication
• Game Studies
• Global Communication and Social Change
• Information Systems
• Instructional and Developmental Communication
• Intercultural Communication
• Intergroup Communication
• Interpersonal Communication
• Journalism Studies
• Language and Social Interaction
• Mass Communication
• Media Industry Studies
• Mobile Communication
• Organizational Communication
• Philosophy, Theory and Critique
• Political Communication
• Popular Communication
• Visual Communication Studies
• Media Critiques
• Media and Ethics

Important Deadlines


-Completed paper submission: *June 01, 2017*
-Announcement of accepted papers and editing: *June 20, 2017*
-Online publication: *June 30, 2017*

Please register international online journal, Journal of Media Critiques for uploading your completed paper at If you need any assistance during this processes you can contact directly our *Editor-in-Chief Dr.Arif Yıldırım* via email * <>*. Peer reviews will be completed for June Issue until *June 20, 2017* and after final revisions, issue will be published by*June 30, 2017.*

Thank you in advance for your interest and contribution. We hope to cooperate with you in our new projects.

By |2017-04-03T22:45:53+00:00Abril 3rd, 2017|Actual Calls|Comentários fechados em CFP: June 2017 Vol 3, No 10 of Journal of Media Critiques | Deadline: June 01, 2017
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