[Comunicar 54] Shared Science and Knowledge. Open Access, Technology and Education
We inform you that the latest issue of «Comunicar», 54, has been recently published with the suggestive title: «Shared Science and Knowledge. Open Access, Technology and Education». As on previous occasions, the journal has a monographic section and a wide variety of items in its miscellaneous section. All articles are available full text and free of charge on our official website. Co-creation and open innovation: Systematic literature review Assessing the ethical and content quality of online parenting resources Participatory design of citizen science experiments Wikipedia in higher education: Changes in perceived value through content contribution Ubiquitous learning ecologies for a critical cybercitizenship Teen videos on YouTube: Features and digital vulnerabilities Parental mediation of the Internet use of Primary students: beliefs, strategies and difficulties Perceptions and participation in community radio stations in Nariño-Colombia Strategies for the communication and collaborative online work by university students Critical thinking of young citizens towards news headlines in Chile
“Comunicar” is a quarterly, bilingual Spanish-English research journal, with Chinese and Portuguese abstracts. Articles, authors and topics have a decidedly international outlook. The journal is now in its 25th year and has published 1730 research and studies articles. The journal appears in 618 international databases, journal impact assessment platforms, selected directories, specialized portals and hemerographic catalogues… The journal appears in international databases, journal impact assessment platforms, selected directories, specialized portals and hemerographic catalogues… It has an international scientific editorial board and a broad network of 550 reviewers from 45 countries from all over the world. Professional management of manuscripts is undertaken via the OJS platform from the Science and Technology Foundation, with ethical commitments published for the scientific community that ensure transparency and timeliness, antiplagiarism (CrossCheck), and an academic reviewing system… It is a highly visible publication available through numerous search engines, dynamic pdfs, epub, DOIs, ORCID… with connections to Mendeley, RefWorks, EndNote, Zotero and scientific social networks like AcademiaEdu or ResearchGate. “Comunicar” specializes in educommunication: communication and education, ICT, audiences, new languages…; there are special monographic editions on the most up-to-date topics.It has a printed and an online digital edition. The entire digital version can be freely accessed. It has printed and online digital editions. The entire digital version can be freely accessed. It is co-edited in English and Spanish for readers all over the world. Comunicar has also an English and Chinese co-edition. The journal is published by “Comunicar”, a private, professional, non-profit association specializing in educommunication in Spain, collaborating closely with multiple institutions and international universities. In indexing (2017/2018), “Comunicar” is indexed by JCR-WoS (IF 2,21, Q1). In Scopus (CiteScore and SJR) is Q1 in ‘Education’, in ‘Communication’, and in ‘Cultural Studies’. It is Journal of Excellence RECYT 2016-19. In Google Scholar Metrics is positioned the 1st of all areas in Spanish. The Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, establishes that no person or entity can collect, store or process automated personal data without their explicit consent. Therefore, and in full compliance with this regulation, this mail establishes a mechanism that ensures anonymity and, where appropriate, the option to request the withdrawal by the recipient to receive more messages by sending an email requesting said withdrawal.